• Trial One: The Maze •
||𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑|| Blake was said to have tamed the vicious robotic creature, Seven. She was granted the nickname Griever Tamer. But was the creature ever really tamed? Or was it just a distraction, a way that WICK...
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Blake followed Thomas and Newt down the stairs to go outside. She was greeted with the bright light of the midafternoon. They were silent for a moment as they walked.
"You two hungry?" Newt asked when they were outside.
Thomas looked disgusted. "Hungry? I feel like puking after what I just saw—no, I'm not hungry."
"Well, I am." Blake pushed the boys out of the way, running over to the kitchen which Frypan showed her yesterday.
After some persuading, they ended up getting cheese sandwiches and raw vegetables. Thomas caught Blake's attention by looking over his shoulder every few seconds.
"Stop. you're giving me the heebie-jeebies," Blake rolled her eyes.
"Sorry, the cook keeps giving me a funny look," Thomas whispered, eyes staring at Frypan.
Blake smiled. "Hey, Frypan! You're creeping the boy out with the strange looks."
Frypan's face turned red as he looked back at his task. They decided to take their lunches outside. The three of them found themselves sitting against a patch of ivy. Blake watched the many working Gladers, and she wonders what was her job going to be? Anytime someone looked their way she gave them a dirty looking, causing their eyes to dart away.
Blake stuffed her face enjoying every bite of her sandwich. "Bloody hungry, Blake, huh?"
Blake rolled her eyes. "Yes, Newt. I am bloody hungry."
After a few minutes of listening to the sound of Gladers working, Thomas finally broke the silence. "Ever seen that happen before?"
Newt looked at him, his face suddenly somber. "What Alby just did?"
"No. Never. But then again, no one's ever tried to tell us what they remembered during the Changing. They always refuse. Alby tried to-must be why he went nuts for a while.
"We have to find Gally," Newt said through a bite of carrot, changing the subject. "Bugger's gone off and hid somewhere. Soon as we're done eating, I need to find him and throw his butt in jail."
"You can't be serious," Blake asked. Though she didn't like the guy much, she didn't want him to be in jail.
"That shank threatened to kill you and we have to make bloody sure it never happens again. That shuck-face is gonna pay a heavy price for acting like that-he's lucky we don't banish him."
"Still, he's only a kid. If you two are going to do that—I don't want to be part of it!" At that, Blake stormed off.
She didn't know where to go until the words Alby said popped into her head. Be careful with her and the other girl. So Blake went to the only other girl in the Glade.