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Blake stood there frozen, everything he said sent her head spinning. Everyone around her carried the same shock expression. She knew Gally hated Thomas, but he never even spoken to her before. How could he want to kill her?

As everyone walked back to their seats, Blake stood there, arms crossed and overall empty. Blake wasn't cold but shivers crawled her skin.

"He's finally whacked for good," Minho whispered.

"Well, you're not the bloody saint in the room," Newt said. "What were you thinking? That was a little overboard, don't ya think?"

Minho squinted at Newt. "Don't give me that garbage. Every one of you loved seeing that slinthead get his dues, and you know it. It's about time someone stood up to his klunk."

"He's on the Council for a reason," Newt said.

"Dude, he threatened to break my neck and kill Thomas and Blake! The guy is mentally whacked, and you better send someone right now to throw him in the Slammer. He's dangerous."

"Maybe he had a good point," Winston said, almost too quietly.

Blake stared at him with disbelief. Don't tell me you're going crazy too, she thought.

"What?" Minho asked.

Winston looked surprised to be acknowledged. "Well ... he has been through the Changing-Griever stung him in the middle of the day just outside the West Door. That means he has memories, and he said the Greenies look familiar. Why would he make that up?"

"Winston, did you see what just happened?" Frypan asked, looking incredulous. "Gally's psycho. You can't put too much stock in his rambling nonsense. What, you think Blake and Thomas are Grievers in disguise?

"I mean...She did tame one."

"Oh come on!" Blake yelled in frustration.

"Can I say something now?" Thomas asked. "I'm sick of you guys talking about me like I'm not here."

Newt glanced up at Thomas and nodded. "Go ahead. This bloody meetin' can't be much more screwed up."

"I don't know why Gally hates me. I don't care. He seems psychotic to me. As for who I really am, you all know just as much as I do. But if I remember correctly, we're here because of what I did out in the Maze, not because some idiot thinks I'm evil."

"Well, I'm tired of keeping my mouth shut too. This is unfair! You are accusing me to be bad because I didn't get killed by a Griever. Haven't any of you woke up with a word other than your name? I woke up with the word Griever. But Seven, I saw him before. The others looked familiar but not like this one. I don't see why I should be punished over something I can't control!" Blake said coldly.

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