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Suddenly the room erupted into chaos. "Who are the Creators?"

"Don't act like you don't know! I ain't buyin' it. Come on stop acting, I know who you really are!"


"And that shank," he points to Thomas. "I say he's some kind of spy too. We can't trust these Shanks. Day after he shows up, a psycho girl comes, spoutin' off that things are gonna change. We find a dead Griever. Thomas conveniently finds himself in the Maze for the night, then tries to convince everyone he's a hero. Well, Minho never actually saw him do anything in the vines. How do we know it was the Greenie who tied Alby up there?"

"Then she wakes up in the Maze the same night. Oh, and she somehow stumbles to Thomas. Big coincidence, huh? Then, she magically survives the night and tames a freaking Griever. Crazy! It's shucking crazy!"

Gally paused; no one said a single word. Blake bit her lip so hard to hold onto her ball of anger.

"There are too many weird things going on, and it all started when this shuck-face Greenie showed up. And he just happens to be the first person to survive a night out in the Maze. Something ain't right, and until we figure it out, I officially recommend that we lock their butts in the Slammer—for a month, and then have another review."

Newt wrote something down on his pad, shaking his head the whole time. Blake was considering running into the Maze right then.

"Finished, Captain Gally?" Newt asked.

"Quit being such a smart aleck, Newt," he spat, his face flushing with crimson. "I'm dead serious. How can we trust these shanks after less than a few days or hours in her case? Quit voting me down before you even think about what I'm saying."

What you're saying is stupid, Blake thought.

"Fine, Gally," Newt said. "I'm sorry. We heard you, and we'll all consider your bloody recommendation. Are you done?"

"Yes, I'm done. And I'm right."

For once Gally stopped talking, Newt pointed to Minho. "Go ahead, last but not least."

Blake didn't know if Minho liked her, but she hoped that he would at least side with them after all they went through. Think and don't say anything stupid, Blake yelled at Minho in her head.

Minho stood quickly, taking everyone off guard. "I was out there; I saw what these two did—he stayed strong while I turned into a panty-wearing' chicken. And she nearly got herself killed to save a stupid Griever. No blabbin' on and on like Gally. I want to say my recommendation and be done with it."

"Good that," Newt said. "Tell us, then."

Minho looked at Thomas. "I nominate this shank to replace me as Keeper of the Runners."

Griever Tamer|| The Maze Runner¹/ MinhoWhere stories live. Discover now