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Blake made her way to the Homestead, then up the stairs with some trouble. Soon she found herself in front of Minho's room. She knocked, preparing for the argument that was soon to come. Minho opens the door in a swing, his face plastered with exhaustion and annoyance.

"What do you want?"

"That's a nice way to greet a guest," Blake rolled her eyes. She pushed her way into the room sitting on the cot bed there. "We're going to figure this out. We have to."

Minho let out an angry noise. "Look I don't want to hear your shucking deceleration of hope."

Blake let her hair down, letting her fingers brush through the brown waves. She noted Minho's gaze following her fingers. "Who's the whiny baby now?"

"Still you. I just need some sleep. Lots of it."

"I need that, a long massage, hot shower, and a pat on the back," Blake yawned.

Minho gave her a stupid grin. "We'll make the Creators do all of that."

"They better." Blake slouched, her thoughts racing. "Thomas is right," she said. "The code. It's our only hope now. You see, Minho. We can't give up just yet."

Minho still wasn't fully convinced, but still nodded probably too tired to argue with her. He leaned back against the wall, his eyes glued to the floor. His lips twisted up slightly in a soft smile. "I like your hair."

Blake blinked, then tried to mimic his stupid grin. "You like it down?"

"I like it up and down," He said looking at her.

"It can be very inconvenient and frizzy on a bad day," Blake mumbled her cheeks heating a bit.

Minho gave her a dirty look. "You really don't know how to take a compliment. Now I need my sleep. Beat it."

She got up and walked up in front of Minho.
"Yeah, yeah. You need to work on your hospitality," Blake said then walked to the door frame. "Sweet dreams."



The other Runners returned within that hour, but none of them had found anything and they'd eventually given up. Hopeless faces were everywhere, and most of the workers had abandoned their daily jobs.

Blake didn't bother to go and check on the code, although she came to the realization it might be their only hope. She just wasn't in a very jolly mood to help. She slept for a few hours until someone knocked on her door.

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