• Trial One: The Maze •
||𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑|| Blake was said to have tamed the vicious robotic creature, Seven. She was granted the nickname Griever Tamer. But was the creature ever really tamed? Or was it just a distraction, a way that WICK...
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"Blake, are you okay?" Thomas asked from behind her. She turned, images devolving from her head.
"What happened."
"I..." she paused.
"What?" Minho asked.
"I have been having these flashbacks or memories. I had this dream or memory about this little girl. She was sad and talking about how she missed someone. Kept calling me Bean. Then, I had this memory of a man helping me throw a knife at a target."
She finished at that, unsure how to explain the one she just had.
Minho came closer. "Well, keep thinking! Do that and take the shuck day off."
"No, I want to come!"
"Blake, you need to think. What set off these memories? Who were those people? Okay, think," Thomas pushed.
"I don't know! The girl was little like five and she had brown hair and dark eyes. The man was blurry and said nothing."
Thomas tapped his finger to his chin. "You must know these people back then. Could the little girl be your sister, I mean, she kind of sounds like a mini version of you."
Blake thought about that. When she saw a small glimpse of herself, dark wavy hair, blue eyes, and a small nose. It all seemed to mirror the little girl. "You could be right."
"What? You remember anything?" Minho asked from behind Thomas's shoulder.
"No, just realized that, I hate to admit it—but Thomas is right. She could be my sister."
Blake was growing more frustrated as she sat on her bed, trying to form a blur of a memory. She wanted to pull her hair out for not being able to solve this puzzle. Was that little girl her sister? Who was that man? What happened to those people?
It was getting late and the sky started to turn vibrant colors of violet and pink. She saw Minho and Thomas get back a few hours ago, and was sad that it wasn't her running back with them. She hated how she had to be a crybaby and ruin her training day.
Then, an idea came into her head. There was only one way to get multiple memories.
The Changing.
Blake bolted out of her room grabbing her hand watch on her way. She ran into passing Gladers as she went, but she didn't pay any notice to their dirty glances. Instead, she was too focused on her task in hand.
She needed to be stung.
Blake didn't worry about the pain of the consequences. She wanted to know the truth. So Blake ran. She ran right into the Maze, and that's when she heard the protest and calls behind her.
"What are you doing!" Someone shouted.
"Get, Alby!" Another one said.
"Come back!"
"Where's Minho?"
"She's gonna die!"
"She's a crazy shank. Girl is crazier than a klunking bedbug I tell you."
Blake turned corner after corner until the adrenaline wore off. She grew tired and started to walk. "Seven!" She yelled.
Then she heard it. The Maze shifting. She sucked in a breath, knowing she was locked in. Blake ran the same path she came trying to find the doors to the Glade. If she was stung it would be best if they found her there. But when Blake got to the doors; she didn't see a Griever or a Beetle Blade.
She saw Gally.
His eyes were mad; his clothes were torn and absolutely dirty. Gally stared at Blake a smile creeping on his face. "I thought about it more. Who are you or who was Thomas? I never talked to you but seen you a lot. You worked for them! You worked for the Creators."
"Now, I don't know why you're here, nor do I care. You're going to die and I'm going to kill you! See how much I care what the shuck they do to me."
He started to move closer, she took a step back. "Famous everywhere, huh? Blake the shuck-face Griever Tamer, or Blake the girl who-"
Then, a Griever jumped on Gally. The bubbly body crushing into Gally's. He started to scream, his arms sprawling everywhere. One of the Griever's arms, one with a deadly weapon on it, grew closer to his face. "Stop!"
Blake ran over standing in front of the ticked creature. "No! Stop! I know he's wack but guy doesn't deserve to die. No matter of sucky he is."
The creature went limp. She noticed this creature wasn't Seven, it carried a different number that she couldn't quite make out in the dark night. But at that very moment, that one second when the creature was confused, Gally stuck a long sharp blade deep into its neck. The creature let out a loud scream, jolting it's metal arms towards Blake.
That's when Blake felt agonizing pain-needle prickles, which told her that she had been stung. Blake took a step back, screaming at the intense pain that she felt all over every inch of her body. She tumbled to the ground letting out unsteady breaths. Her lower lip trembled as she let out a sob. Everything betrayed her.
The lifeless Griever lied a few feet from where Blake's spasming body was. She noticed Gally standing in front of her, gooey knife in his hand. The moonlight casting an eerie glow on the metal surface. He looked starstruck. "You'll see what I saw. You'll know what I know. You will. They all will." Then, he disappeared farther into the Maze, leaving her and the pain.
Blake felt like she was swimming in a pool of nausea and pain. The world started to spin and blur into the night sky and stars above Blake. She felt like she was in a burning building and was caught in the middle of the flame.
Soon Blake was swallowed into the sky of blackness and pain.
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