• Trial One: The Maze •
||𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑|| Blake was said to have tamed the vicious robotic creature, Seven. She was granted the nickname Griever Tamer. But was the creature ever really tamed? Or was it just a distraction, a way that WICK...
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Thomas fell to the ground, pulling Chuck's shaking body into his big arms. The scene crushed Blake's heart.
"Chuck!" he screamed; his voice a horsey plead for him to say something back. "Chuck!"
The boy shook uncontrollably, almost poisonously. Blood was a blur everywhere, wetting Thomas's hands, soaking Chuck's shirt completely. Blake stared into the glassy white orbs of Chuck's rolled eyes, watching the life cease from his shaking body in a few breathless moments. Blood trickled out of his nose and mouth.
"Chuck ...," Thomas said quietly, a wisp of a whisper. The sound caused a shiver of goosebumps to run up Blake's arms.
The boy stopped convulsing, stilled in a silent moment. His eyes slid back into normal position, brown wide eye focusing on Thomas. "Thom ... mas." The word slides off his lips shakily.
"Hang on, Chuck," Thomas said. "Don't die—fight it. Someone get help!"
The words stung Blake, poisoned her with anger. With sadness. Everyone knew this would be the boy's last few minutes. Even though Blake knew—she wasn't prepared for it. She pushed her lips tightly together, to contain any emotion that was threading to spill. Blake looked at Minho who always mustered a strong expression, but now he looked hopeless and overall sad.
"Thomas," Chuck whispered, trying to cling to the last drops of life. "Find ... my mom." A hissing cough burst from his lungs, throwing a spray of bright blood. "Tell her ..."
He didn't finish, his last request was incomplete. His eyes closed as one last breath wheezed from his mouth.
He was gone...
Chuck was now a corpse to never share another smile again.
Blake had no words. She wanted to cry, scream, say something. But nothing came from Blake's lips. An emotion of nothing swirled in her stomach. But even though nothing happened within Blake—something happened in Thomas. His body trembled, veins poked from his neck, breaths heavy, eyes looking at the ground with exploding rage.
He let go of Chuck, stood up, facing Gally. It was the first time Blake was truly scared of Thomas. Of what he would do. He was arational, running on a newly founded emotion.
He snapped. He completely and utterly snapped.
Thomas rushed forward, threw himself on Gally, grasping him with his finger like claws, squeezing the boy's throat as they fell to the ground. Gally tried to sprawl away from him but Thomas gripped him with his legs so he couldn't escape.
Then, Thomas started punching.
No one did anything as he held Gally down with his left hand, using his right fist to rain punches down on Gally's messed up face. A blur of moving balled knuckles and seeping red blood. His fist drove into the boy's cheek and nose, causing a crunching sound and revealing newfound blood. Horrible screams echoed from both Thomas and Gally. She didn't know whose were louder.