• Trial One: The Maze •
||𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑|| Blake was said to have tamed the vicious robotic creature, Seven. She was granted the nickname Griever Tamer. But was the creature ever really tamed? Or was it just a distraction, a way that WICK...
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Alby put his feet back on the floor, sat up straighter. "Ya know, it was really stupid for us to sleep in here tonight. We should've been out in the Map Room, working."
For once Alby actually sounded right. Smartest thing he has said since she has got here.
Minho shrugged. "Probably right."
"Well ... I'll go," Alby said with a confident nod. "Right now."
Newt shook his head. "Forget that, Alby. Already heard the bloody Grievers moaning out there. We can wait till the wake-up."
Alby leaned forward, elbows on his knees. "Hey, you shucks are the ones giving me all the pep talks. Don't start whining when I actually listen. If I'm gonna do this, I gotta do it, be the old me. I need something to dive into."
"And I could come too. I always wanted to see the Maps, but due to me being a baby I didn't get to. Plus, I can keep the Grievers away. Remember I'm the "bug spray"."
Alby stood up. "Seriously, I need this. I need to do this alone. Blake we need you to be the "bug spray" in here. I'll be fine." He moved towards the door of the room as if he really meant to leave.
"You can't be serious," Newt said. "You can't go out there now!"
"I'm going, and that's that." Alby took his ring of keys from his pocket and rattled them-Blake was actual surprised by the leader's courage. "See you shucks in the morning."
And then he walked out.
Blake was one of the few that managed to sleep for a bit. She was so exhausted from the Changing and from arguing. Plus, she wasn't that scared. She tried soothing the boys around her who whimpered with fear. She wished for Hawk's upbeat nature, or Minho's sassy attitude at those moments.
It wasn't cold, yet Blake still shivered. It seemed to be her weakness to want to help anyone who was uneasy—which was everyone in her room.
Everyone had a flashlight incase of a emergency, but Newt ordered that all lights stay off. Anything that could be done on such short notice to prepare for a Griever attack had been done: windows boarded up, heavy furniture moved in front of doors, knives handed out as weapons. Blake refused to take one. She kept picturing Gally stabbing the Griever.
The distance calls from Grievers grew closer. She wondered where Seven was.
Blake had rolled to a more comfortable position and sleep finally came again. But too soon was she woken up. The sounds of machinery groans and whirls-slashing of knifes against each other-familiar rolling clicks and dropping nails, rang through the small room.
It was the Grievers.
For a moment she couldn't imagine how she could create something so taunting. She notice all the scared faces and her heart broke. Blake walked to the barricade door, staring at it while she listened. Newt tiptoed to a window, despite his limp he was more quiet than Blake. Thomas followed him and they both peeked out the window.
Thomas turned to Black and shook his head. She tiptoed back to her makeshift bed on the floor while everyone else sat back down. The next few minutes were sounds of clicking and hissing. Blake tried to look at the positives to the creature she made, but only realized that this creature was only meant to harm. The spikes that used to come down when Blake was near, was now chipping at the ground.
The sounds grew closer and closer, until they were right next to the Homestead. Don't hurt the Gladers, she pleaded in her mind.
Then, she heard the shredding of the wood. Snapping, groaning, whirling was the only thing clouding her ears. They grew closer and closer. The boys that were once next to her had scuffled to the far wall. She was frozen as she stared at the window. Newt finally grabbed her arm, pulling her to the far wall with the others.
The Grievers light flashed around the window, casting uneven light through the cracks of the wood. Then strange shadows blocked some of the light. Blake knew that the Griever's props and weapons had come out, searching for it's next victim. She didn't know what to do, if she could stop them from hurting her friends.
A death amount of silence grew around the group. Then, out of nowhere, shouts exploded in the room. They had expected something to come from the window, not from the door behind them. Blake turned to see what busted through the door, expecting a Griever or one of those lizard things. But she saw something different-someone who she had saw no too long ago.
She saw Gally.
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