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"Well," Chuck said, looking down at his feet before returning his gaze to them. "Good luck. If your girlfriend gets lonely for you, I'll give her some lovin'."

Thomas rolled his eyes. "She's not my girlfriend, shuck-face."

"Wow," Chuck said. "You're already using Alby's dirty words." He joked, but his eyes revealed the truth. "Seriously, good luck."

"Thanks, that means a lot," Minho answered with his own eye roll. "See ya, shank."

"Yeah, see ya," Chuck muttered, then turned to walk away.

"Don't forget my promise!" Thomas called. "I'll get you home!"

Chuck turned and gave him a thumbs-up; his eyes glimmered with tears, causing sadness to wash over Blake.

Thomas flipped up double thumbs, while Blake gave a small wave; then they pulled on their backpacks and entered the Maze.


They ran none stop until they made it to the last dead end. Blake was mostly trailing behind the boys, her pace causing them to slow down a bit. They took a twenty-minute break then they were back at it. Blake noticed that the walls of the Maze hadn't changed from the day before. Yet, they still searched for things that had been unnoticed.

They were silent as they ran. Boredom was creeping its way in as the third or so hour hit. Minho told them that talking only wasted energy, and she needs every last bit of that.

Out of nowhere, Thomas roughly tripped right in front of her causing Blake to slam herself right into the wall. "Ow," she mumbled, rubbing her arm.

Thomas had already got to his feet. "Sorry."

"It's fine. Gotta...keep moving," she said, running to catch Minho who hadn't stopped for them.

She tried to concentrate on a memory that itched in her brain, but was only left with a faded and blurry one. Blake could hear the things they said, but everything around that one voice was static. The hardest memories seemed to be when she was a kid. She could see figures of what she thought were her family, but they were never clear like a blurred photo.

That little girl with the brown braid was the only person in her family that was clear, Blake couldn't figure out what her name was though. But the memory started to make more sense. The reason she cried was for her mother's death. It seemed her father wasn't taking the death very well, leaving Blake and her brother, George, to take care of the small girl.

She couldn't make out George very well but knew he looked like their father. That's all she knew or could remember about her past family. Blake wondered what happened to her siblings, knowing both her parents were dead.

Two breaks later, Minho finally slowed to a walk as they headed down a long corridor that ended in another dead end. He stopped and took a seat against the wall. The ivy was thick right there, seems like a blanket hiding the repetitive stone.

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