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"I need to tell you two and Newt something. And we need to let Teresa out—she's probably starving and we could use her help."

"That stupid girl is the last thing I'm worried about," Minho hissed.

"Bet she was fine watching as the Grievers ripped the Homestead apart," Blake rolled her eyes.

"You too?" Thomas looked at Blake. "Just give us a few minutes-we have an idea. Maybe it'll still work if enough Runners remember their Maps."

Minho and Blake looked at each other. They both knew that Thomas's "ideas" weren't the best, but what else were they supposed to do. Blake was just so done with that night.

"An idea? What?" Minho asked.

"Just come over to the Slammer with me. Bring Newt too."

Blake nodded. "Newt!" She called out.

"Yeah?" Newt stood up, folding his blood-covered cloth. His eyes showed tiredness and worry.

Minho pointed down at Alby. "Let the Med-jacks take care of him. We need to talk."

Newt gave a questioning look but nodded then handed the rag to Frankie. "Go find Clint-tell him we got worse problems than guys with buggin' splinters." When Frankie ran off to do as he was told, Newt stepped away from Alby. "Talk about what?"

Blake looked at Thomas. "He has an idea."

"Just come with me," Thomas said, turning and heading for the Slammers. Three were left to follow.

"Let her out." Thomas stood by the cell door, arms crossed. "Let her out, and then we'll talk. Trust me-you wanna hear it."

Newt shook his head obviously tired and not in a very good mood. "Tommy, this is-"

"Please. Just open it—let her out. Please." Thomas pleaded, not giving up on the girl, the trigger.

Minho stood in front of the door with his hands on his hips. "How can we trust her?" he asked. "Soon as she woke up, the whole place fell to pieces. She even admitted she triggered something."

"He's got a point," Newt said.

Thomas pointed his hand at Teresa's cell. "We can trust her. Every time I've talked to her, it's something about trying to get out of here. She was sent here just like the rest of us-it's stupid to think she's responsible for any of this."

Newt grunted. "Then what the bloody shuck did she mean by sayin' she triggered something?"

Thomas shrugs. "No one talks about how Blake called her brain unpredictable."

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