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Most of the Gladers ended up agreeing to go. Blake was relieved when Hawk decided to be one of the Gladers to join the fight. Even Alby decided to make a go. The rest of the day they were very busy, task were piled on task. Blake tried to think of things she knew about the Grievers. The more she thought, the more she became more discouraged. More nervous.

Blake helped hand out backpacks that were stuffed full of supplies. Frypan was in charge of gathering all the food and figuring out a way to distribute it evenly among the packs. Syringes of Grief Serum were included, even though Thomas insisted they weren't needed. Chuck was in charge of filling water bottles and getting them out to everyone. Teresa helped him, they both had a certain daze in their eyes.

Blake could tell everyone was terrified.

Minho went to the Cliff with a group of Runners, testing out the Griever Hole one last time. They had to hope the creatures would not come out during daytime hours. Blake just hoped that most of the Grievers were in the Maze, not inside their Hole.

Thomas and Newt distribute the weapons, and even more, were created to prepare the Gladers against the menacing Grievers. Wooden poles were carved into sharp-pointed spears, coiled around with barbwire; the knives were sharpened and fastened with twine to the ends of tuff branches; shards of broken glass were duct-taped tightly to shovels. By the end of the day, the Gladers had turned into a small army. A very poor army of teenagers, but an army all the less.

Right before the normal Door-closing time, Frypan prepared one last meal to carry them through the long bloodbath night. The mood hanging over the Gladers was sorrowful and full of sober fear. Blake sat on her legs—something she used to do as a child. Thomas and Chuck sat next to her, picking at their food.

"So ... Thomas," the young boy said chopping down a huge bite of mashed potatoes. "Who am I nicknamed after?"

Thomas shook his head with a shrug. "I don't know, Darwin, maybe? The dude who figured out evolution."

"I bet no one's ever called him a dude before." Chuck took another big bite. Blake smiled as he looked like a chipmunk, chubby cheeks full of mash potatoes. "You know, I'm really not all that scared. I mean, last few nights, sitting in the Homestead, just waiting for a Griever to come in and steal one of us was the worst thing I've ever done. At least now we're taking it to them, trying something. And at least ..."

"At least what?" Thomas asked. It hurt Blake's heart watching Chuck try to act bravely.

"Well, everyone's speculating they can only kill one of us. Maybe I sound like a shuck, but it gives me some hope. At least most of us will make it through—just leaves one poor sucker to die. Better than all of us."

Blake raised her eyebrows, turning her head to look at Thomas. She knew that the Creators had blood-filled plans. Blake hated it. She hated them. Hated that Chuck actually believed in that lie. It made her sick. "Well, Chuck, I don't—"

"Maybe we can all make it. As long as everyone fights," Thomas interrupted, giving Blake a dirty look.

Chuck stopped stuffing his face for a second and looked at Blake then Thomas carefully. "You really think that, or you just trying to cheer me up?"

"We can do it," Thomas said, taking a big gulp of water. Blake hated the lie. She sat quiet, stabbing at her mashed potatoes. "Don't forget my promise. You can still plan on it."

Chuck frowned. "Big deal—I keep hearing the world is in klunky shape."

Blake looked up. "If so we'll build somewhere with no slug creatures trying to kill us."

Thomas smiled. "Yeah. And we'll find the people who care about us—you'll see."

Chuck stood up. "Well, I don't wanna think about it," he explained. "Just get me out of the Maze, and I'll be one happy dude."

Blake patted Chuck's shoulder. "We all will be happy dudes."

"Good that," Thomas agreed.

Ah. The book is coming to an end soon! Thank you to all my lovely readers for giving me the motivation to keep writing. Also, The Crank Palace audiobook just came out yesterday, and I'm already halfway through. All I'm going say is I'm totally gonna cry. Anyways, thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter! <3

 Anyways, thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter! <3

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