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The door was open and she could see a little town inside. A tall blond boy limped over to her and the boys. He looked stunned, his deep brown eyes flashing between Blake and the boys.

"What the bloody hell are you?" He asked, looking at Blake. His voice had a hint of angry, but also surprise. Blake noticed he carried a strange accent.

"I'm a bloody girl, ding-dong."

"No, no. I mean who—"

"Newt, we have to save Alby," Thomas interrupted, walking over to the boy.

Newt's face went white. "What do you mean? He's alive?"

"Just come here." Thomas headed to the right, craning his neck to look high up at the wall. He then pointed to the motionless body of Alby.

"I don't know. Was when I left him up there."

"When you left him..." The blonde boy shook his head in disbelief. "Go get your butts inside, get yourselves checked by the Med-jacks. You all look bloody awful. I want the whole story and to know about her as well when you're all reset up."

Blake stood there warily, most eyes were on her. Minho seemed to notice her scared expression. "Hey, crazy girl. These shanks won't hurt you. Come on I'll show you where to go."

"Okay, first of all; don't call me crazy or I'll throw you off that cliff myself. Also, uh. Thanks. You know...like for everything."

He seemed taken back by the words. "Uh, your welcome, I guess. Um... anyway, let's go we need sleep. And bandages. Now."

He grabbed Thomas's arm pulling him through the doors into what they called the Glade. Blake followed trying to ignore the gawking people. She noticed that they were all pretty young, either they were a teenager or a young adult. No one looked the same. But the odd thing was that there were no girls, only a bunch of dumbfounded boys.

She could hear some comments about her.

"It's a girl. Another one," she heard someone say, "She came from the Maze."

"No way. Seriously?"

"How did she survive?"

"How long has she been there?"

"What's her name?"

"How old is she?"

"Is she prettier than that other girl?"

"This one's awake. Dibs!"

Blake had enough. She had been through too much that day. "Stop your staring, ding-dongs! Don't you think we went through enough? We don't need your staring on top of that." She yelled at the boys around her. More whispering broke out, some people started to walk away or act like they weren't watching. "Yeah, keep it moving!"

Griever Tamer|| The Maze Runner¹/ MinhoWhere stories live. Discover now