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Jeff's pov
"You looooooove heeeer~."
" What. Her, " I say and fake laugh, so Ben doesn't find out that I've grown fond of her in a short while.
"Thank god. One person less to go against for y/n," he says and walks off, probably to go tell the others.
Wait. If he said one person less does that mean that the other pastas like her?
"Jeff! Why the fuck are you thinking about! I am jeff the fucking killer," I whisper to myself.
"What the hell happened," I yelled confused.
" The noise came from upstairs, " Masky yells back.
"Wait. Isn't y/n upstairs," Ben asks and at that moment, we heard y/n yell from upstairs.
"We're *tick* coming," Toby yelled and everyone ran up the stairs to see if y/n was okay.
Once we reached upstairs, I was shocked by who was standing by y/n.
She's gonna kill me. Better make a run for it.
Shit! She saw me!
"See yah bitch," I yell and tried to escape her.
Keyword. Tried.
She launched herself at me and tried to kiss me.
"Help me, you good for nothings," I yell at the other pastas but they just shrug and watch.
Luckily, someone took her off me.
"Hey! Drop me! I will kill you bitch," I see Nina yelling while being dangled by y/n.
I look at y/n's face and see that she has many, and I mean many, scratches.
She doesn't look so happy now.
I look at Nina and see her regretting her words.
" You know what. I'm gonna go visit Jim. E.j you're in charge, " she says and drops Nina on the floor.
Nina quickly takes a knife out of her sweater and runs at y/n with her knife to tried to stab y/n while she isn't looking.
Meanwhile, y/n ,the badass person she is, catches the tiny knife in between her fingers and throws it back at Nina, barely missing her by a few centimetres.
Nina is left frozen just like everyone who just witnessed this.

Pinkie's pov
"Bye guys. I'll be back in an hour. Try not to destroy my house more," y/n says and walks outside to her car.
" W-what the hell just happened, " Nina asked kinda terrified.
"That was y/n and she is kinda annnnnngry," l.j says and motions to y/n's car ,that is leaving.
Oh my sweet, sweet angel. Hope you cheer up a bit.
"Firstly, Nina how the fu-," I quickly cover Masky's mouth cause Sally is standing right next to him.
"I mean .Nina how did you get here? And secondly, what did you do to tick y/n off?"
Me and you, masky. I'm wondering the same thing. That and I'm wondering if I can remember my special cupcake recipe.
I start to drool at remembering how I used to decorate my special cupcakes.
Mmm. Chocolate chips on top of the cupcake with gummy bears, and delicious pink icing underneath.
"Pinkie. Can you please stop drooling," I turn my head and see Hoodie.
" Sorry Hoods, " I say and wipe the drool off my mouth.
I turn to Nina and wait to see if she's gonna say anything.
" Okay, I'll tell you all how I got here. My Jeffy-poo has a tracker in his hoodie. I put it in there ,just in case, and surprisingly it still worked, " she says and starts smiling at Jeff.
Dang. This girl is a  yandere for Jeff.
"Well what did you do to make y/n mad," Masky asked.
At this moment everyone was glaring at her, including Sally, Jeff's dog, and Charlie.
Wait! How the heck is Charlie glaring?
"Well I entered through this rooms window," Nina says and points at the room y/n was probably working on because of the paint buckets near the door.
"And I saw her holding Jeffy-poo 's knife, so I thought that Jeffy-poo was in trouble, so I came in and we fought for a while until the door opened and we came tumbling out."
" Oh. So that's why my angel was ticked off, " I say and stick a cherry lollipop in my mouth.
"Why do you call her angel," Nina asks and I shrug my shoulders, while taking out the lollipop from my mouth.
"She gave us shelter, food, and hope like an angel. Also she's gonna help us find Slender," I yell and everyone nod their heads yes.
" Oh. Then I guess I'll stay here too, " Nina says and points at herself.
"Oh. Boy," Me and Jeff say at the same time.

Meanwhile with y/n....
Y/n's pov
"Sooo, y/n, why'd you ditch me when you came over," Jim asked while staring at me from his couch
" Ummm, I left the oven on, " I say quickly.
Out of all the lies you chose the oven one.
"Suuure. Welp, Guess what," he says really surprised about something .
Haven't seen him this surprised since Christmas when he got a promotion.
"What," I say obviously curios.
" I was outside yesterday, you know doing things like normal, when I heard a bush moving. I turned around and looked at the bush and I found-, " he pauses and runs into his room.
He comes back, but this time he has a moving box with him.
"This," he finishes his sentence and opens the box.
Inside is a little pasta.
Defiantly normal.
"What's your name," I say and reach my hand towards the pasta.
" Its ....... "

(And here we stop folks. Please comment on who you want the next pasta to be. Also if it's not to much work, tell me if you want that pasta to fall for y/n, be just friends or be an enemy. Thank yooou.)

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