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"What's your name," I say and reach my hand towards the pasta.
Y/n's pov.                    
"Clockwork, " she says and climbs on top of my hand.
She has a clock in one of her eyes while her other eye is a beautiful shade of green.
But that wasn't the only unusual thing about her. Her mouth appears to be stitched.
Her jacket and pants are stained with mud but she still looks pretty.
"Sooo Jim. Let's talk in your room," I suggest, while putting clockwork down on the floor .
"Sure," he says and we go into his room, which is  decorated with cake designs.
Jim and pinkie would probably get along.
He sits on a bean bag chair, while I sit on his bed.
"So, about clockwork. Has she said anything," I ask and he gives me a puzzled look .
"Said anything? Y/n dolls don't talk," he says and thinks a bit more, " well not this one. Also why were you staring at it for a long time? That freaked me out a bit. "
What? Didn't he hear her? Either way this is good! I won't need to explain anything, but he must be thinking that I'm crazy.
"Oh, I was just examining the doll," I lie, hoping he won't notice.
" By the way, can I keep her. "
He looks at my pleading eyes and sighs.
"Fine," he says and we head back to the living room.
"Welp, it was nice seeing you again but I gotta go," I say while putting clockwork in my bag and getting my keys.
"Kay. Bye Baddass," he yells from the window while I drive off.
I hate that stupid nickname!
"Ummm. Why'd he call you badass," clockwork asks from the back seat ,where I left my bag.
" Welll, when I was younger Jim invited me to a wedding and the bride was a total bitch to both of us saying  "kids like you , should behave. Those outfits are unacceptable. Ewww, you kids look dirty. You guys will never be as beautiful as me, " and that was getting annoying but what ticked me off was when she said Jim will never be a baker. So I did the most responsible thing to do. "
"What was that," Clockwork asks with curiosity .
"I 'accidentally' pushed her into her thirteen layered cake that was decorated with chocolate and a lot of icing. Let's just say when she tried to clean herself up in the restroom, I may have poured glue on her and chicken feathers fell on top of her when she opened the door. So technically, a chicken was getting married to a poor dude," I finish the story while smiling and remembering how hard Jim was laughing when he saw the wife.
"Did they find out if it was you," Clockwork asks while stifling her laughter.
"Nope cause I got my ass outta there before they checked the security cameras, that were mysteriously broken."
" BWAHAHAHAHA, " I hear Clockwork laugh from the backseat.
"And that is the story on how Jim gave me a nickname."
After Clockwork calmed down we started talking about random stuff like fashion, friends, movies, and other things.
She even let me give her a nickname. Clocky.
"I miss Jane. She'd probably like you," Clocky says from the backseat.
" Maybe. Oh! I forgot to ask you if you wanted to stay with me. I already know that you guys are creepypastas and such, but I'm trying to help you guys return to normal. Sooo do you wanna stay with me and the others. "
"Sure. And I'm happy that you're trying to help us but you do know that-."
" I might get killed. I know but I don't care as much as long as I help you guys return back home, " I answer honestly and park the car.

Clockwork 's pov
It's really nice of her to take care of us. Hopefully she doesn't die because she's really nice- OH MY FUCKING GOD!
I barely look outside the window and see a huge big ass mansion like the one we have but better.
"Guys i'm back," I hear y/n yell and a few of us come out.
Let's see who lives here too. Sally. Thank god. Jeff. Meh. Nina. Great she's here.She owes me twenty dollars. Hoodie. Meh. Masky. Meh Pinkie. Fun. L.j. Meh. E.j. Good. Ben.Meh. TOBY! NOoo!
"HEY CLOCKY," Toby yells from outside the car and pushes his face against the car window.

(And that's all for now folks. Bye👋😗 )

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