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     Quick Note: I'm caught up to the ToG webtoon so there will be spoilers in this story. However, I can guarantee for now that there will be no S3 spoilers.

     Y/n Point of View:

     If I had to choose one word to describe my life until now, it would be... peaceful.

     To most people, that would be a good thing. No wars, no conflict, no pain, and pretty much no struggle.

     It's obvious that people who envy a peaceful life haven't lived one themselves.

     For the most part, my life was just fine. I lived in Rosebush, a small town in the Outer Tower. There weren't many of us and it wouldn't be a surprise that I knew everyone by first name. Everyone was hardworking and got along just fine. I was always the only kid of my age in the village.

     I guess my peaceful life also meant I never had kids of my age to fight with, or laugh with. I mean, I'm sure that is what you do with your friends. I know that from seeing the young kids in the village avoiding all the chores their parents throw at them and running into the forest, hoping to play hide and seek with each other and everyone else. Not a day would go by, where I would go back home and see those same kids being scolded. They would always be laughing, no matter how much trouble they were in.

     They lived in the same town but their life was exciting.

     The only person I'm really close to is Krista. My older sister. We live in one of the town house with Mom and Dad. 

     You'd never be able to tell that we're related. Krista has beautiful blue hair that sweeps past her shoulders. She gets it from Mom. They always stand out in the village with that hair. They've practically memorized all the different jokes about them "being long lost descendants of the Khun family". I unfortunately don't have that gorgeous hair. I have (your hair colour) hair, like Dad. But that doesn't stop me from admiring what Krista has.

     We get along just fine. The way she ruffles my hair playfully in the morning and gives me the easy chores will let any passerby know that we're siblings. But ever since I was very little, I've always noticed how sad she looks all the time. Even when she's smiling, her eyes seem to be missing something, deep in thought. I sometimes see the same look on Mom. I don't understand. Sadness doesn't suit the beautiful hair and looks that they have. I sometime wish I could ask why. I never did.

     However, if I had to name the one different thing in my life, the one factor that doesn't make my life boring, it would be simple.


     I have Mom to thank. It used to be just a parlor trick, playfully summoning a little bit of Shinsu to please my 5 year old self. But a year after that, Mom told me a secret.

     Our village is actually a haven for those who specialize in healing. Our pharmacy shop and constant visitors began to make sense. Healers have the ability to use Shinsu to quickly heal the injuries of ourselves and others. My mom was an expert. The day she told me I was the best person to learn the skill was a memorable day. 

     I remember the first thing I asked was, "Why not Krista? She's older."

     Mom only smiled. "Because I want to teach you, Y/n" That made me agree.

     My life was peaceful but starting from that day, it also became busy. I began to learn Shinsu control from a very young age and afterwards, I had to learn the Healer's art. Mom would always call me "a natural".

     I don't know about that, but every time I came one step further in learning Shinsu, I remembered that. When Mom started letting me cure patients, that word expelled my initial fear, and let me focus on fixing what was broken. By the time I was 8, I was one of the most talented young healers in my village. I was by no means the best, but I guess you could say I was someone you could count on.

     But I remember that time for a different reason. It was the time where I met him. From that moment, life was still peaceful, busy, and sometimes boring...

     ...but it also became beautiful.

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