Prologue- What I Want

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     Lol, at this point Khun is going to be the thumbnail for pretty much all these chapters. What else is there to put? :)


     "Anything?" I asked.

     "Anything." Krista responded.

     The idea sounded bizarre to me. Climb up a Tower and you get anything you want when you reach the top? I was four back then, maybe barely five, and that was all my mind could register.

     I giggled. "So I can get infinite sweets or toys!? Or maybe I can never have chores again!" I jumped on my bed in excitement.

     Krista laughed and touched my head. "You're way too adorable, did you know that?"

     She sat on my bed. "People who climb up the Tower have a more greater desire then what you're thinking. And for a lot of people, it's a matter of pride, something they have to do."

     I didn't really understand. "How do you know this? Nobody knows anything about the Tower here"

     Krista looked at me, a little bit perplexed. "Didn't Mom ever tell you? I wasn't born here. Mom and I moved here before you were born. So I learnt some stuff in my old home."

     I was young, I didn't really care about that. And as I grew older, that fact kind of faded in my mind. I didn't think about where Krista had lived before and what she experienced.

     A.A.'s question had triggered that memory, Krista first telling me about the Tower. In order to climb the Tower, it seemed so important to have a desire at the top of the Tower. I still didn't know what that would be.

     Present: The Khun Estate

    "I guess it was a good idea bringing you here." Dad chuckled. "Five days in and you're already running out of the house every morning for training."

     "It's interesting." I quickly said. "Mr. Ben is teaching me a lot of new things!"

     Dad nodded. "However, that doesn't explain why you leave so early every day. And what do you do during lunch and break times? I'm sorry that I haven't been able to focus on you for the past week."

     That was the one thing I didn't want. "It's fine! I have stuff to do, I'm doing just fine!"

     "Okay, then, I trust you. My little girl is growing up."

     I gave him a quick hug and ran outside.

     That action. That was the action that started my day for the next few weeks after that. My time as the estate was tiring, grueling and...

     Absolutely amazing.

     On the third day, I had met A.A. in the morning. And during break time. And the next day. And the next. And the next.

     I learnt so much about him.  A.A. was fun to be around. He showed me around the estate, talked about so many things and would always, always, wait for me at our meeting spots no matter how slow I was or how late Mr. Ben kept me for training. 

     He seemed distant at first but soon, he became welcome. He laughed at my jokes, made his own, and little actions like saving some food before my arrival, or sometimes waiting near my house on early days, showed that he cared. He didn't seem to have a lot of friends but he knew how to be a good one.

     I also started to come out of the bubble I surrounded myself with at first. Asking different questions, not measuring how long I was talking for, feeling comfortable to say what I want, and even occasionally giving him a surprise attack when meeting him, showed that I was also getting comfortable. 

     We did anything and everything. A.A. showed me around to different places in the estate (which wasn't getting any smaller!). We both sat near the river, both of us hoping that this day would bring a big catch (which we always let go after). We even sometimes went swimming, not caring that our cloths would get wet. We would race through the nearby forest or even just sit and talk.

     We also trained. As the days went by, my stamina improved and I soon realized that I was getting less and less tired after training. So A.A. and I decided to practice.

     A.A. was surprisingly a good fighter. He was skillful with a knife. He showed me some moves and we would even do a spar. He would sometimes tell be what he imagined a certain fighting formation would be for a certain battle. He had a mind of strategy, he was smart. He also showed me some good spots to practice my Shinsu, which I was getting better at. We got hurt. My healing Shinsu came in handy. But no wounds we got ever gave us pain.

     Every day was exhausting. I would fall asleep the minute my head hit the pillow every night. Getting hurt wasn't a new thing anymore. Those days would be tiring, and occasionally painful.

     But those were the days I laughed the most.

     And that one day, when we and A.A. decided to go to a look out point to have a view of the entire estate, I realized what I wanted. It was the day A.A. finally told me his desire.

     "I want to be the head of this family."

     We had been silent for a few minutes and that statement came out of the blue. A.A. continued to speak.

     "My father is Khun Edahn. Someday, I'm going to climb the Tower and replace him. I'll become the head of the Khun family. And there are changes I'm going to make."

     "I'm not going to struggle in the Tower. I'm going to climb up using the skills I have and what I'm good at. I'm not going to uselessly work on what everyone wants me to, even though that's what they claim will help me up the Tower. In the end, those who make it up the Tower, are the ones who makes their own rules."

     That must have been the closest explanation to why A.A. skipped out on certain training sometimes. I didn't know what A.A. wanted to change about this beautiful place, but he had a goal. Hearing him confess it cleared my mind.

     "I think..." I began

     A.A. waited for me as I tried to figure out the right words.

     "I think what I want isn't at the top of the Tower, but in the Tower itself."

     A.A. stared at me for a second. He then grinned. "I knew you weren't going to say something typical. You're interesting. Not like others. That's what I like about you Y/n."

     I smiled. "Thanks A.A."

     The light shining on the estate was perfect, the weather was perfect, even the cloudless sky that day seemed so perfect. I think that was one of the most perfect days I've had in my life.

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