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Hello readers. I'm sorry I haven't been able to update in a while, I've been getting busy. But finally, here is another chapter!


     The Floor of Tests has a lot of complicated tests but this one definitely takes the cake.

     I'm in the testing arena but I'm not quite sure what I'm doing. The entire explanation of our current test is jumbled in my mind. But oh well, I'm pretty sure I understand the basic idea.

     Allow the Dolphins to hunt the fish. Prevent other creatures from stopping the hunt. If we succeed, Bam and Rachel make it safely to the surface.

     If we fail, they die. I'm trying not to think about that too much. I just need to be able to follow A.A.'s plan. 

     "So the job is to collapse the tunnels." I repeat, to get confirmation.

     "Yes." A.A.'s voice comes from his lighthouse. "If we're correct about the Dogs travelling underground and through the Worms, we can manipulate the tunnels so that the Dogs and Thieves meet. And while they're fighting, all the Spear Bearers can strike. Have you guys found the tunnels?"

     I'm in an area with a bunch of other Regulars. One of the Regulars, Narae, admitted to being able to breed and control certain species, and has used to fish in order to find the tunnels. Our job is to collapse them, in order to build one route for the Dogs. "Yes, we're in the area."

     "Good. We need to start immediately. If we're too slow, the plan will fail." A.A. says.

     "Got it." I put my hand to the ground and send a Shinsu blast into the ground. I can hear the destruction below. I've sealed of part of the tunnels to prevent the Dogs from entering.

     And that's how the test goes for the next while. Just collapsing tunnels and maintaining one single pathway. We need to work fast. I know there must be more commotion on the Spear Bearers side. I also remember a separate plan in order to defeat the Bull in this test, but I don't remember the specifics.

     Finally, our work is done. Now all there's left, is to wait. I quickly head over to the Spearbearer's side. "Did we finish on time?" I ask A.A. "I can't say for sure. Let's hope so." A.A. responds.

     On the other side is complete chaos. The Thieves have been provoked and are ready to attack. And it looks like some of the Regulars are in the midst of it.

      Suddenly, I hear a rumbling. And I know what it is. "The Dogs are coming! Everyone needs to get to higher ground!" I yell.

     Thankfully, Lauroe is able to levitate some of the Regulars to higher ground. And we all watch as the Dogs enter into the area, in collision with the Thieves.

     "It worked!" I exclaim. 

     "Great... Now it's time to hunt." A.A. says.

     I decide to stay on high ground and attack from the distance. Luckily, my Shinsu accuracy isn't bad, so I'm able to hit a target from this spot.

     I don't know how long has passed before A.A.'s voice comes back. "Okay guys, let's continue this hunt!"

     That's weird. He was oddly silent this entire. It's probably nothing, but I can't stop myself from wondering a little...

     A while later:

     We're finally all waiting at the exit to wait for Bam and Rachel to come out. We've succeeded. Once they've come back, we have all officially passed the test.

     I can't stop myself from smiling. I don't know why. We still have a long way to go from here. But once this Test Floor is over, I no longer have to go up this Tower alone.

      There will still be more battles, more tests, more distrust. And I still have secrets I need to discover. 

     But I'm not going to have to face those alone. And there are still so many things to explore in this Tower. I can't be gloomy about the future.

     My thoughts from the previous day echo in my head again.

     I'm surrounded by friends, people who I can climb the Tower with. People to experience so many things with, to have adventures with. People who... want me to tag along.

     I can hear the exit beginning to gurgle, ready to send Bam and Rachel back here.

     And one of those people is the boy I never forgot about, the boy who opened the door for me, to this type of experience.

     Green liquid suddenly spews from the mouth and I need to completely jump away. Finally, I can see a figure in that liquid.

     There's only one.

     So for the first time today, I forget about all the tragedies that are going on. I forget my confusion about the Tower, and about my sister.

     Rachel is lying there helpless, as if all fight has gone out of her. 

     All I can focus in is the fact that I started up the Tower to search for something. I have found it.

     Where's Bam? That's all we can all ask.

     And I want it to...

     I feel like I'm underwater. As Rachel slowly explains how she and Bam got attacked by the Bull and Bam fell, it all feels like gurgles, like it can't possibly be true. I can barely register Rak's next sentence.

     "Do you mean that... the turtle's... dead?"

     I can feel my positive thoughts shattering into pieces, refusing to complete themselves. But they do become complete. And that hurts the most. 

     Because now I know it will never come true.

     And I want it to...

     ...last for as long as possible.


     I'm sorry that this chapter was short. I usually have an idea for each chapter and this one turned out to be shorter than I though. Hopefully, it was still enjoyable!

     On another note, for all Stays reading this story, I have completed another work on Wattpad. It's a short one chapter work and it's a fanmade MV I wrote for Phobia, one of my favourite SKZ songs. Definitely check it out if you want to!

     Until next time,

     Heavens Wheel



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