I got tagged- NOT an update/ Important question for readers

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     Thank you Seems_77777 for tagging me! 

     For the people who read this story, I'm sorry for this waste of a chapter, but I do have an important question for you guys:

     When Khun acted like he didn't want to help Bam with the Administrator test, did you...

     A. Completely fall for his acting (I know I did)

     B. Not believe him one bit

     C. Feel a bit suspicious, but didn't know what to think

     Leave your answers in the comments, it will really help :)


     Now for this tag thing. I'm technological incapable so I don't have the post on me, but I'll type the questions I have to answer.

     1. Tag the person: Seems_Legit777

     2. My Zodiac: Don't want to reveal my birth month, sorry, I'm just cautious 

     3.  Favourite Game: I don't play games.

     4. Favourite song/artist: Stray Kids everywhere, all around the world :)

     5. Say something to fans/followers: I don't think I have many (lol), but to the ones who actually do read my stories and follow me, you're all just amazing! I'm glad you enjoy what I write:)

     6. Favourite movie and/or show: My favourite movie would be Coco, and my favourite show is definitely Fairy Tail

     7. "Did you know" fact, or joke: Did you know that it takes an average of 500 years to climb the Tower in Tower of God.

     8. Tag 20 people and they have to make a part in 3 weeks: I'm sorry to be boring, but I don't want to make anybody do that if they don't want to. So I'll pass on the tags.

Well, that's that. I don't blame you if you just skipped this, but if you're a reader, I hope you took the time to answer the question. 

 Anyway, until next time,

-Heavens Wheel



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