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     Okay, so I know that a said that this fanfiction won't really have romance, but in this chapter, I'm going to be pushing it just a LITTLE. 


     A.A. leads me into a room where Shibisu is already waiting.

     "What's going on?" I ask him.

     A.A.'s face has gone serious. He sighs and sits down. "I need to tell you two something. You both will understand the most."

     He begins to speak. I can't believe my eyes. Just when I thought the Tower was done hiding secrets.

     "Rachel's... faking her injury!?" I exclaim.

     A.A. nods. "She can walk perfectly fine. Her legs were healed a long time ago."

     "That explains why they didn't let me try to heal her. I would have figured it out." I say. "But why would Rachel betray Bam like this?"

     "Whatever her twisted reasons are, I can't forgive her." A.A. concludes. I would have found it hard to believe that Rachel would kill one of her friends. But now that the proof is here, and I can't believe her.

     "So what should we do?" Shibisu asks.

     "We'll all go up the Tower for now." A.A. says. "Then, we split up. I'm going to assemble another team to take Rachel up the Tower. You guys continue up with everyone else. We are going to get revenge."

     "Whoa... why do we need to split up?" Shibisu asks. I'm wondering the same thing.

     "Because..." A.A. says. "Suspecting Rachel of killing Bam is a cruel task. And it needs to be done..."

     "By the cruelest of us."

     And with that, he leaves the room. Processing what he's said, I run after him. I refuse to let this happen.

     "A.A.!" I cry out. He turns back.

     "Let me come with you." I say.

     I don't let him argue. "We're climbing up the Tower together. You shouldn't have to do this on your own. Let me help you."

     To that, A.A. only gives a small smile. "We're still going to climb up together. But we need to go our separate ways first. I don't want you to also have to suspect Rachel like I am."

     "Why can't I!?" I argue.


     "You're not a cruel person, Y/n."

     A.A. won't let me argue. But I know one thing for certain. I always have.

     Neither are you, A.A.

     The time to split up:

     After climbing a certain way with the rest of the team, it's time to say goodbye.

     I'm not as distraught as I was before. I trust my teammates. I know I can climb up with them. But once again, I need to say a goodbye to the person I don't want to leave the most.

     "Will you be able to find teammates?" I ask, trying to stall time.

     A.A. looks extremely confident. "I'm from the Khun family. I have my ways. Don't worry about me."

     He must see how sad I'm looking. "Our teams will communicate. And we're definitely going to meet up further up the Tower." 

     I take a deep breath. I need to be strong. This isn't a goodbye. More like a "see you later." It'll be okay. 

     A.A. puts his hand out.

     "I look forward to seeing you again, Y/n, L/n."

     I can only smile. This feels familiar. My hand meets his in a handshake.

     "I will wait for that day, Khun Aguero Agnes."

     With my hand in his, I do something I never would have had the confidence to do.

     I lean forward, and give him a small kiss on the cheek.

     I give one final smile. "See you, A.A."

     I don't wait to see his reaction. But as I head the opposite direction, I turn back to wave one last time. And I know he looked back.

     This is different from all those years before. I don't feel empty. No, I feel fulfilled. The impossible happened, and now that I'm finally in the Tower, reunited with A.A., I know that faith will have its way of making sure we meet again.

     I wish you luck on your journey, A.A. I know we will meet again someday. 

     Because we are climbing the Tower together.



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