Prologue- Him

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     "Dad, how come you're coming with me, and not Mom? Don't you always say she is better than you?" I asked.

     Dad chuckled at that last remark. "Well, in fact, it was your mother who set this all up and your new teacher is a friend of hers. She was originally requested but she decided not to come this time. Her work right now is in the village."

     He ruffled my hair. "Besides, my skills are more than enough for this job."

     I laughed. "Mom probably doesn't want to get lost at the Khun estate. Her hair looks exactly the same!"

     I was still impressed by how Mom knew someone from such an important family. Apparently, she used to travel a lot and made a lot of connections. That's what Dad told me.

     We were all packed and ready to go. A lot of the village were gathered to see us off. I felt a lump in my throat. This was the longest I would ever be away from home. 

     I hugged Mom. "Thank you again!"

     Mom smiled. "It's not too late to change your mind Y/n. You can stay here if you're feeling scared."

     I shook my head. "I'm not scared! I'll be fine!"

     Finally, I turned to Krista and ran over to hug her. She was welcome but a small part of me could feel her pulling away. It must have been in my imagination.

     "Get strong, okay?" she said. She then pulled me closer, as if sharing a secret. "I won't tell Mom about you and the Tower. But think about it VERY CAREFULLY. You may be young but you need to know that the Tower is a cruel place."

     Uncomfortable, I pulled away. "Bye Krista! See you in some time!"

     As me and Dad walked away from the village, I didn't stop waving goodbye until everyone was just a couple of dots.

     "Come along Y/n." Dad said. "The Khun estate is some distance away. It will take a few days, if we hurry."

     As I walked away towards my first adventure, it never occurred to me how Krista could have possibly known about what the Tower is like.

     The only thing I was thinking, was that she must be wrong.

     The Khun estate was overwhelming.

     For the most part, it was huge. There were buildings everywhere and a lot of flat land. I could hear the sounds of fighting, probably training, from nearby.

     I avoided eye contact but I could still feel some glares from some of the people. I leaned closer to Dad. With our (your hair colour) hair, we stood out like sore thumbs in the field of blue.

     "Is EVERYONE related Dad?" I asked. It was hard to believe.

     Dad looked a little bit uncomfortable. "Um...well.. you see... all the kids you see are children of Khun Edahn, the leader of the Khun family. But they all have different mothers. There are different branches and people from different branches don't really consider each other related. Do you understand?"

     I didn't really. I still didn't understand how there could be so many kids in the Khun family. But I didn't push it.

     "Are you tired Y/n?"

     I had a small headache from the multiple transportation we took and the sun was really beating down on me. It was still morning. But starting from now, I figured I should work on getting stronger. So I shook my head.

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