Abandoned Child

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     This story has finally reached 1k views! Thank you reader, you guys are amazing! (I know, I'm said it before, but it's true!)

     Warning: This chapter has a lot of time skips.

     The few days in the Test Floor are eventful. After that night, it felt nice to finally get to know more Regulars. I sit with them during meal times. Even though I usually only talk to A.A. and occasionally Bam, it feels nice to finally be around a large group.

     "Bam." I laugh. "I don't think selling Hatz for sword tricks is the way to go."

     "Don't bother Bam, no way can he make friends with that temper." A.A. says.

     "No one asked you, Earrings!" Hatz retorts back. I cover my mouth to keep from laughing but it's way too hard.

     "What are you doing?" I hear a voice say. It's the lizard girl. She's talking to Endorsi. "Talking with these guys, shame on you Princess of Jahad." She walks away.

     "Wait, so you're siblings with that lizard?" Bam asks Endorsi.

     I look at A.A. " She's a Princess of Jahad?! Wait, what's her real name?"

     A.A. smirks. "Anaak Jahad. Let me guess, you've been thinking her as "lizard girl" all along."

     I lean back on my chair, a bit guiltily. "Maybe..."

     Wave Controller Class:

     "Two is your limit so far, thank you Mr. Hoh." Mr. Yuga says. We're popping balloons with Shinsu today. He looks at me. "You're next, Ms. Y/n"

     I quickly stand up. "Good job." I tell Hoh as I pass him, I'm trying to be as positive as I can. However, Hoh just brushes of the compliment without a word.

     I summon a Baang of Shinsu. I did similar exercises with Mr. Ben tons of times. I let out consecutive blasts of Shinsu and destroy 4 out of 5 of the balloons.

     "Good job. It's now your turn, Mr. Bam." Yuga says. "Good luck." I tell Bam, as he takes his place.

     Bam is a surprisingly fast learner. He only pops two balloons but it's a good amount for a beginner. 

     After Class:

     "You did great Bam." I say. "It's hard to pop even one!"

     "It's all thanks to Mr. Lauroe." Bam says. Lauroe and Hoh are also sitting with us.

     "You gave him secret lessons?" Hoh asks. It could be just me, but he seems a little bothered by this.

     I see A.A. in the distance. "A.A.! Over here!"

     "Hey." He says, walking over. "Did you hear the news?"

     Hoh quickly walks away from the conversation. That makes me a little bit suspicious, but I focus on A.A. "What news?"

     10 minutes later:

     "They failed the test!? I never expected that."

     A.A., Bam, and I are with Hatz and Shibisu. Apparently, Endorsi and Anaak had failed their Fisherman Test and can barely walk.

     "Isn't there anyway we can help?" Bam asks. A.A. shakes his head.

     "It's how the Tower works. People always have to fail in order for others to pass. There's nothing we can do."

     Bam looks really sad at this but I'd be lying if I said that didn't disturb me too. I want to climb the Tower, but not at the expense of others. But I have a haunting feeling that that's the reality in the Tower.

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