Prologue- Finale

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     Okay, so obviously I couldn't just leave this story off on that sad ending, so here's more. Enjoy!

     Slowly but surely, life went back to normal in Rosebush. The crushing pain I would wake up with everyday eventually faded into mild sadness I would occasionally feel. It was my same peaceful life, but different.

     Life also became more busy. I was back to regular chores and Mom promoted me to her assistant in healing jobs. I also trained a lot. I had to keep up the drills Mr. Ben showed me.  I practiced alone in a nearby field and got stronger on my own. I thought I couldn't learn anything new.

     Until I did. I was walking down the street one day, when a secret gesture from one of my neighbors for me to follow her, changed everything.

     She opened a latch in her house and inside was a huge secret library! Apparently, my neighbor had been a traveler once and had collected books from all over the Outer Tower. She had a huge collection of books about the Inner Tower and shockingly, about Shinsu. I thanked her gratefully.

     So I studied. I taught myself new Shinsu tricks and even incorporated them with my healing ability. And I read so much about the Tower. The Ten Great Families, the Irregulars, the Floor of Tests, I wanted to know everything. I kept the books a secret from my family, not out of mischief but because it felt like a secret belonging to me. I liked that.

     It was Krista who caught me. I had let my guard down and she had seen my book cover. She almost dropped the water glass in your hand. I had to quickly lead her to a separate room before Mom and Dad could hear what she would say.

     "The Tower!?" She said. "So you're serious now!?"

     There was no more hiding. I slowly nodded. But then I got angry. Why should I be scared of what I want to do?

     "Yes Krista, I'm going to climb the Tower! It's what I want to do! Why are you so against it?!"

     Krista went silent after that which calmed me down. "Why can't you understand?" I asked in a small voice.

     Krista sighed and then surprisingly, smiled. "I can't tell you what I have against the Tower. But I do know that my feelings shouldn't stop you."

     She ruffled my hair in the playful way I loved. "You're my little sister Y/n. I'm not going to stop you from reaching your goals just because of how I feel."

     I laughed. It was so good to have her on my side. 

     Krista then became serious. "But you need to convince Mom and Dad. Nothing will happen without their consent. They also don't like the idea of you climbing the Tower."

     Before I could open my mouth, Krista shook her head. "I can't tell you why."

     But my determination to convince Mom and Dad overcame my curiosity. They were probably just scared to let me into the big and seemingly cruel Tower. I asked them to talk with me that evening. I told them what I wanted.

     Mom was immediately against it. "Why would you want to climb the Tower!? It's dangerous Y/n, I'm not letting you go there."

     Dad, again stopped her. They went aside and spoke in whispers. I felt like it was a replay of what happened before I went to the Khun estate.

     They came back and sat me down. Dad's eyes looked serious. 

     "Look Y/n... I don't want to stop you from climbing the Tower without hearing your side. You're young, so I didn't want to tell you this. But now that your are fixed on this, I can't hide this from you anymore. You need to know what the Tower is like."

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