The Bonus Game

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     So... the S1 TOG anime is over. That last episode was amazing! And of course, as a webtoon reader, that last scene freaked me out! And now, with SIU going on hiatus, there won't be any TOG for a while :( So let's write fanfics!

     As I walk down the hall with my new "team", the speaker above explains where we're going.

     "All surviving Regulars from another test spot have been invited to play a special bonus game called the Crown Game. Since you three are the only surviving Regulars of your test spot, you will join the other Regulars in the Crown Game."

     I silently cringe. Only surviving Regulars. The phrase freaks me out. I can't believe I'm standing right next to the Jahad Princess who made sure there were no other survivors.

     "The winning team of the Crown Game will get to skip all other tests and advance to the next floor."

     I gasp. Skip all the tests in the Floor of Tests!? That's a huge advantage. And with a Jahad Princess on our team, maybe that's an advantage we'll actually have!

     "Here is your waiting room. The adjacent rooms have the other regular teams. The test administrator will explain the rules of the Crown Game."

     And with that, we are in a large room. In front of us is a caged door that allows view of an arena. There is a huge thrown with a crown in front of it, in the middle of the arena.

     Princess Endorsi stretches her arms. "So another game, huh? Sounds like fun. Maybe these regulars will actually be strong."

     She gives me a sweet smile. "Let's not worry about the crown. I want to see what these regulars can do."

     That surprises me. Not go after the crown? Is she in it purely for the thrill?

     "I agree."

     Rachel finally speaks. "I'm not here to get the crown. There's something I must do."

     Princess Endorsi smiles. "Great, we're all in agreement!"

     I resist the urge to argue. The Crown Game itself doesn't seem like much fun. I bet it will be some other Regular fight. It's only thrill is the prize at the end but now, that's out. I'm outnumbered so I just have to go with it.

     Maybe its better if I don't advance to the next floor right away. I'm not here to climb the Tower right away. There will be a lot to explore right on this floor. Plus, there are other regulars. Maybe I'll be able to find...

     I hear a flash and suddenly, there are voices near the rooms next to us. The other Regulars must have arrived. A tall blonde man begins explaining the rules of the Crown Game.

     I'm not good at memorizing rules. The Crown Game is by no means a simple game. Luckily, there is a rule board in our waiting room so I read it enough times to understand it. So it's a multi round game. That means your ultimate strategy depends on what round you decide to play in.

     "Let the first round begin! Any Regulars wishing to join, please press the button, 5, 4..."

     "Um... Princess Endorsi..."

     She stops me. "While I love being called that, just stick with calling me Endorsi in our team."

     "Okay." I say. "Endorsi, what round should we enter?"

     She thinks for a moment. "Let's wait and see. Let's see what these people can do."

     That's when it dawns on me. From this room, I'll have a perfect view of all the other Regulars who want to climb the Tower. Would I possibly be able to... see him? I move closer to the caged door.

Climbing the Tower with You (Khun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now