The Reality

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     I'm back! Sorry this took so long, I was on a trip. This fanfic has reached over 100 votes, that's insane. Thank you soo much everyone!

     Anyway, I know I'm a day late, but Happy Stay Day for all fellow Stays reading this! Enjoy!

     I have a weird sleep.

     It's the kind of sleep where you can't wake up, yet you have a strange feeling like something isn't right. It was like I was going through a dark tunnel yet I couldn't quite seem to get out of it. Maybe that's why I never awoke to the chaos that occurred while I was asleep.


     "Huh..." I groggily say, opening one eyes. My head is still on the table, yet my hand is now on the cold surface, instead of A.A.'s hand, where I had placed it before drifting off. I slowly bring my head up. It's A.A. who has shaken me awake.

     The sleep finally leaves my eyes. "What happened? What did I miss?"

     "Team B won." is all A.A. says.

     I look around. Not many people are in the room. But I can hear scuttling from the outside, and some panicked voices. "That's great! But... what's going on..."

     A.A. shakes his head. "You missed a lot. We're all just supposed to go to sleep now."

     "What did I miss though?" I ask, beginning to get worried.

     He tells me. My entire body goes cold.

     "Hoh...he..." I clutch the table to steady myself. 

     "I told you. That is the kind of place the Tower is. Not everyone will make it." A.A. says.

     "I know... but... I never knew this could happen..." I shake my head. A.A.'s plan to protect Rachel from Hoh hadn't completely worked at the end. This was horrible. I knew that lives could be lost in the Tower. But now, it felt so...real.

     Apparently Rachel's injuries are beyond my healer capabilities. That's why I was never woken up when all this happened.

     "Where's Bam?" I ask, trying to distract myself.

     "He's sitting with Rachel. We still don't know what happened to her" He grits his teeth. "Dang it! They were never supposed to meet!"

     He quickly regains his composure. "Anyway, you should get some rest. Something tells me tomorrow will be far more chaotic."

     But I can't sleep. Of course I can't. But it's not just because I just did.

     I sigh. "Tell me about the relationship between Rachel and Bam."

     I continue before A.A. can complain. "I don't understand why this happened and why you need to keep Bam away from Rachel. I think by now, I should be able to know."

     A.A. stares at me for a second and then sighs. "Okay...fine. I should have known I can't keep this from you for long."

     And so he tells me. It definitely surprises me. Rachel had told me that she had known Bam for a long time, but this goes far beyond friendship. To think that Rachel meant that much to Bam... I could see how taking Rachel out would also take Bam out of the competition.

     But why would Rachel hide from Bam? Why would she even go into the Tower in the first place? What is at the top of the Tower that can possibly be more important then a friend? It's all so confusing.

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