The Battle Royale

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     So um... false alarm! I have a few ideas for the next few chapters so I figured I should implement them before going on a break. So enjoy!

     Also, warning: You are going to meet Rachel. And no, you DO NOT get to hurt or kill her. In fact, you are going to talk to her. And you're going to be NICE. Sorry guys, don't hate me!

     Also, Ghost doesn't exist in this story. 


     Floor 2: Evankhell's Floor

     When I open my eyes, I'm in a wide grassy field. The long stalks itch at my ankles and it's so quiet.

     I had gotten into the Tower quickly. The leader of the First Floor, Headon, had greeted me and given me a simple test. Break the ball at the end of the room, and defeat a simple monster. My Shinsu ability had gotten me through the test easily. He had also given a Pocket, which served multiple functions like translating the many languages in the Tower. That was news to me. I had only ever known two languages, my home language and the language I spoke at the Khun estate, what my parents called "the general language." I guess that wasn't true.

     And now, I am here.

     My hood has fallen off my face and I quickly readjust it. I'm wearing an old brown cloak that covers my body and my face. I hate it, but Krista insisted that I should keep a low profile when I first enter the Tower. Since I was leaving her, I agreed to everything she said.

     But where is everyone? Where am I? I brace myself for what will happen next. I know the Tower can be unpredictable.

     "Mic test. Mic test. One, Two Three, Testing."

     I look up and some sort of camera is floating in the air. It is about to broadcast an announcement. 

     "Welcome Regulars. The current test is a simple one."

     There is a pause for effect. 

     "You have 30 minutes. In the end, whoever is still standing in the next half hour passes the test. Begin!"

     Pin drop silence.

     Then the deafening sounds of violence.

     I can't believe it! A death match!? I- I can't!

     I'm strong enough to avoid death, at least for now. But I can't take another life, I never will. But will I have a choice?

     I quickly run through the field, deciding that my best option is to avoid conflict for the next half hour. For the next ten minute, it works just fine. Until it doesn't.

     I find myself right in front of a tall boy wielding some sort of sword. He yells and runs at me.

     Not having time to think, I quickly summon one baang of Shinsu and aim it at the boy. After a blast, he lies crumpled on the floor.

     Good, I didn't kill him. If I can simply defeat any opponents in this battle field, then I can avoid getting killed myself, without having to take a life.

     I look hesitantly at the boy I knocked out. I know that if I leave him, someone else will take his life. I know I'm not the one doing it, but I just can't leave him like that to die.

     So I decide on a compromise. I kneel down next to him and summon my healing Shinsu. I heal all of his injuries. If all goes well, he'll get up in a few minutes. I can make my escape and if nobody finds him in that time, he can too.

Climbing the Tower with You (Khun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now