Hanging out

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     So many views! You guys are amazing! Cause of classes, this update came late so I'm sorry about that. (The fact that I've been binge watching Stray Kids MV's is also a factor. Please help. Actually, don't. I'm enjoying it XD)

     "So..." I begin. "You're telling me that Rak just went off into the wild?" I put air quotes around the word "wild".

     "Yup." A.A. says. "Apparently it's something to do with what happened in his Spear Bearer class. He's a funny one, that alligator."

     A.A., Bam, and I are in Bam's room, talking about classes. I was still a little bit shaken by my encounter with this Hansung Yu person, but I quickly shrugged it off after meeting back with A.A. I was having way too much fun to worry about it.

     Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. "I'll go get it." Bam says.

     I hear him say "Mr. Shibisu?" and I go closer to the door to see who it is.

     It's the two teammates of the lizard girl. The sword person and the tracksuit guy. 

     "Training suit and sword guy?" A.A. says. "What are you doing here?" I sigh in relief. I'm not the only one who doesn't know their names.

      "Um..." Tracksuit scratches his head. "It's a little embarrassing to ask but..."

     The two boys both hold up a piece a paper. "Will you be friends with us?"

     5 minutes later:

     So apparently the Scouts have homework of making 11 friends in a week. I laugh at how forward that is.

     Bam quickly fills me in on their names. Hatz and Shibisu. I see Hatz looking at me with suspicion out of the corner of his eyes but A.A. notices.

     "This is Y/n. She's the one who healed Bam. She's not like the other members from the other test site."

     The suspicion quickly goes away.

     "So we need to sign that piece of paper to be friends?" I ask. I reach for a pen. "Okay!"

     However, A.A. puts his hand in front of me to stop me. "I don't want to."

     "First of all... you were on the same team as that lizard. Do you think we'll help you?"

     That's a good point. But it's all in the past, isn't it? Hatz sighs.

     "That also conflicted with the spirit of a swordsman so I apologize on her behalf. Our team is now disbanded."

     "Okay." I say. "Then let's just sign it."

     Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like everything is as simple as I think it is. But I'd be lying if what happened next wasn't one of the most funniest moments of my life. Hatz and A.A. get into some sort of fight (The spirit of a swordsman? I was laughing too hard to really understand) and that's when Hatz insults A.A.'s earrings.

     Seeing A.A.'s face, I quickly hold him back before he can lunge at Hatz. "I'm sure he didn't mean it." I try to reason, but I'm also chuckling.

     "Hatz, it's your temper that has gotten us rejected at every single room." Shibisu says. Hatz is still talking to A.A. "I bet people laughed behind your back because of those silly earrings."

     "Nope!" A.A. says. "Earrings are trendy in my town. Everyone wears at least five to six. Even animals and objects wear them, that's the trend!"

     I can't help but snort at that. Everyone looks at me but I don't care. "Yeah right, A.A.! I don't remember seeing an abundance of earrings when I lived there!"

     "Shhhh!" A.A. complains. "He doesn't know that!" I can only laugh more.

     Abandoned child of the Khun family.

     That man's words come back to me and I can't help but give a small grimace. Thankfully, nobody notices.

     Hatz and A.A. lock themselves in a staring battle. This is NOT working. "Okay, you two!" I say, trying to get in the middle. "Let's calm down." Okay, I'm officially a peace maker. But no way am I letting go off this chance to meet more people. 

     "Let's be friends!" Bam finally speaks!

     It's as if he's performed a spell on the crowd. As he talks, I can't help but feel bad for him. Where was he before this? Having no family or a house... I don't remember such a place in the Tower. Then... where does Rachel play into this?

     But we can finally sign our names on the paper. 

     "Thank you Bam and Y/n! And Earring!" Hatz says

     "Why'd you call me Earrings!? You wanna die?!" A.A. complains.

     "Mr. Khun, you talk just like Mr. Rak" Bam laughs.

     "Earring. I like it, it suits you." I also laugh. I have to poke a joke at his expense, what are friend for?

     "Hmph." A.A. says. "I've been betrayed." He begins to walk out of the room.

     "Okay, Okay, sorry A.A.!" I grab his arm to make him stay. But Bam and I are still laughing and A.A.'s annoyed face is so cute. 

     Abandoned child of the Khun family.

     My body freezes once again but I shake the thoughts away. I'm not going to question those words in such a happy time.

     I'm sorry if this chapter was kind of short. I wanted to add more but then it would have been too long. On the bright side, that means I can probably update the next few a bit more quickly.

     Just as a note, I know that Hatz and Shibisu need to find 10 friends in a week. I changed it to 11 because of course, you need to sign it also. I tried my best to work this scene with the accurate dialogue without dragging anything out, so I'm sorry if this chapter was maybe too dialogue heavy or anything. These scenes will be more accurate to the webtoon than the anime but there might be some moments where I talk more inspiration from the anime when I see fit.

 Thank you for the likes and views!

     Until next time!

     -Heavens Wheel

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