Chapter 51

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After helping your mother cleaning the house, you sat on the sofa with your brother. Daniel chose a movie to watch.

"We'll go now. Daniel, take care of your sister." Your father said as he kissed your forehead.

"Ok, appa. Both of you take care." Daniel replied as he stood up and lock the door after your parents left.

"I want to watch Mulan." You said.


"I want ice cream," Daniel said as he pouted at you.

"Dude, it's literally 18 degrees outside and you want an ice cream?" You asked with a "you can't be serious right now, bruh" tone.

"But I really want some, please?" He asked clasping his hands together.

"Wah~ Are you for real? You want me to go and buy ice cream for you?"

"I'll let you buy anything with the change," Daniel said.

"Fine," You said as you rolled your eyes.


You put your hands in the pocket of your coat as you walked into the store.

You bought vanilla and cookies & cream flavored ice cream. You didn't expect to also crave ice cream.

"Jiyeon!" You heard a familiar voice called. You turned your head in the direction of the voice. Your eyes landed on a table, the boys were eating ramen.

"Uhm... ma'am, here's your change." The boy at the counter said.

"Thank you." You said as you took the change and what you bought.

"Wait, c-can we take a picture?" The boy shyly asked.

"Sure, you must be a fan of my brother." You said as the boy stood beside you and took out his phone.

"A-Ah yes," He said.

After that, you bid goodbye to him and went to the table where the boys were.

"I don't like him," Sanha said as he narrowed his eyes at the boy at the counter.

"Yeah, just realized that you always say that to every damn boy that came near me." You said as you sat next to Minhyuk.

"W-Wait, I did?"

"Yeah, to Yoongi, to--"

"O-Ok, enough" Sanha stuttered and just continued to eat his ramen.

"Bye, I'll get going. Oppa is waiting for me." You said as you stood up.

"Don't leave yet~," Sanha said.

"Uh...why?" You asked.

"Don't you missed us?" He asked as he pouted.

"Of course, I do." You said.

"Then why would you want to leave so fast? Are you already cheating on us?" Sanha asked as he narrowed his eyes on you.

"Bruh," You deadpanned as you glared at him.

"Want me to kick your face?" You asked.

"You're so bad." Sanha rolled his eyes.

"Ok, that's enough you two," Jinwoo said.

"Ok fine, I won't leave." You said.

"Yes!" Sanha whisper yelled.

"Oh right, I almost forgot. I'm just curious...when did you guys started to you know... like me?" You asked, looking at the window.

"Since we saved you in the alley, I could still remember Sanha being so giggly in the house that time," Myungjun said.


"Wah, really?" You said as you covered your cheeks to hide its redness.

"Yeah, how about you?" Dongmin asked.

"Oh, we're just the same. I could still remember when I stared at Sanha's eyes. It was like the world stop-- wait, I shouldn't talk abou--"

"I feel special." Sanha giggled.

"Whatever," the other boys said.

"I have another question, when did you guys remember?"

"When you fell asleep at the park and we had to take you to your house. We were about to leave but you told us to stay." Minhyuk said as he blew the noodles that he took using the chopsticks and was signaling you to eat it. You shook your head as a sign that you were refusing but he knew you wanted some. You gave up and let him feed you.

"Oh I see, but why didn't you guys told me?"

"Because the goddess told us not to," Jinwoo said as he did the same action that Minhyuk did.

You ate happily.

Noticing your reaction, the other boys started to do the same action.

"Thanks," You said as you swallowed.

"E-Excuse me...Kang Jiyeon, right?" A girl asked. She looked like she was a junior student. She was with a friend.

"Ah yes, is there anything I could help you with?" You asked as you stood up.

"I just want to ask if Daniel oppa's in your house?"

You honestly didn't know how to answer and if you were allowed to answer them honestly.

"You don't need to answer, I-I'm sorry. She's really hard-headed sometimes." The other girl said as she bowed.

"Are they also trainees?" The first girl asked again as she looked at the boys.

"Ah no, we're not," Bin said.

"Oh ok, but can we take a picture?"

"Aish, let's just go." The second girl was obviously embarrassed. But the first girl ignored her.

The boys stood up and stood behind her. The girl took out her phone and took a picture.

You almost rolled your eyes at how clingy the girl was.

"Thank you," the girl said as she finally bowed. Her friend dragged away but you heard their conversation.

"Wait, I forgot to ask their numbers!" The first girl whisper yelled.

"Seriously?! No, we're not going back there!" Her friend said and finally went out of the store.

"Wow, are we really that good looking?" Sanha said.

"Not really, the girl just has poor eyesight." You said as you gritted your teeth.

"And the girl is also cute," Sanha added.

"Yeah, she's really cute. I want a girlfriend like her." You said.

"You're not mad?" Bin asked.

"What? No, of course not, why?"

"We thought you're jealous," Minhyuk said.

"Why would I be jealous?" You asked.

"Because I said the girl was cute and-- you know what, forget it," Sanha said as pouted.



"What took you so long?" Daniel asked as he opened the door.

"Nothing just got stuck." You said.


"Some of your fans approached me and asked a few things." You said as you sat down on the sofa, Daniel following you.

"What did they asked you?"

"Some...things," You said actually too lazy to answer him.

Daniel narrowed his eyes on you as he spoke.



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