Everyone consoled

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In previous chapter flashback is ended.
Now from present.......
Everyone were crying till then.  Avu knew that it would be difficult for everyone for hear this story, but it was necessary for Jai to know about it. Jai stood up and was going somewhere, Avu asked,
"Jai where are you going? Are you OK? Listen please don't take any nasty step in rage."
"Avu, you are stopping me from going. How can you be so strong? After what he did, he is roaming here and there, his place is in jail. I want to see him behind the bars." Avu nodded, and said.,
"Even I want to punish him. At that time too, I wanted to complaint against him, but Om chachu said, it is not good for me only." she said. Tears were still flowing from her eyes.
Riyaz continued.. "Yes Jai, see if we will case against him, he have many ways to be out. And Infact it will defame our Avu only. What if he reveal everything about Avu and his relationship and her pregnancy? I am proud of her, she is so strong and brave." he kept his hand on Avu's shoulder. Avu gave him smile.
Jai said, "Yes you are right. We have to find other way to punish him."
"No Jai, I don't want this drama anymore. Let it be...." Avu said.
"But Avu......." Jai tried to say something.
"No Jai, he have one daughter, I don't want her to suffer because of his mistakes. I don't want her to know about her father's real side. Let it be."
"Whattttt" everyone shouted in unison.
"Avu why didn't you tell me about it? Are you OK? That bastard..... How can he ......" Riyaz said in anger. He clenched his fists.
"Riyaz calm down. I am OK. And there is nothing between us now, so it doesn't matter. Please just forget whatever happened in past."
"Avu you are saying this. I can't believe. I thought you hate him and want revenge. After whatever he did...... You....." Ari said. She was crying.
"Ari please don't cry. I can never forgive him. And yes i wanted to take revenge, but I can't do anything which destroys Ruhi's future."
"Avu but.... Why are you Getting emotional for a girl to whom you should hate?" Jann asked.
"I know Jann, but I don't know. Whenever I see her, I feel different connection with her. I feel like I just hug her hard. Always keep talking with her, save her from the evil eyes of world." She said with affection, remembering Ruhi's smiling face.
"Avu I can understand, after losing your child it is normal to imagine any child as yours but Avu, we can't let him go after whatever he did, he killed your parents, my brother and you are saying to let it be. No Avu I can't." Ari said, and ran away crying to her room.
"Avu, Ari is right. I will not let it be this easy. He will regret." Riyaz said and stormed away.
"Avu I don't know what to say, but please don't cry. You are my brave sister. I understand you, but even I am with Ari this time." Jai said and walked away.
"Jai......" Avu whispered..... She falls on her knees, but Jannat hold her.
"Avu, are OK? I am sorry, I shouldn't have asked all that."
She wiped her tears. "If you need any help I am here."
"No Jannat it's OK. I am perfectly fine. And it was gonna reveal one day, please don't blame yourself. I am fine and he doesn't affect me anymore. It's just I feel connection with Ru." She said, wiping her tears.
"I understand, I have to go now, Ayaan will be waiting."
"OK, you go", Jann hugged Avu, and wiped her unstoppable tears. She went away.
Avu saw the sky, those stars and moon. She remembered Her parents, "Mom-Dad, whatever I did was right na? I feel it is, my heart says to forget everything. But my mind is not able to. I miss you mom dad."
She laid on bed.

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