Sid's Master plan

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In previous chapter sidneet told truth to Arily. They had fun, Sid have blushing Challenge to Avu and Ari accepted it....


"BTW where is dada and Bhabhs, I called them last night. They should be here na..." Sid asked.

"Yeah they were here only, but Bhabhs was not feeling well, so dada took her to home as Ari was stable now. They convinced to stay but I denied." Lucky said and Ask nodded.

"Sid I am hungry." Avu said making puppy face.

"Even I am..." Arishfa said looking at Lucky.

"OK we will bring something, but first I will ask doctor if you are allowed to eat external food and when you will get discharge." Lucky said.

"Pizza and Americano for me." Avneet said.

"Pizza and cappuccino for me." Arishfa said.
And they both chuckled.

"OK ma'am." Sid and Lucky said together and everyone laughed.Sid and Lucky went to buy some food.

"So...." Arishfa said.

"So what..." Avneet asked.

"Don't try to act innocent, I know you sent them away purposely." Arishfa said.

"Me... No... No.. Why.. Would I.. I send them.... Pur... Purposely? I.. I am.. Really hungry." Avneet said nervously stuttering.

"Oh really, then why are you stuttering? Come on Avu I know you very well. You are nervous right. What was need of accepting challenge, when you can't complete it. Everyone knows you even start blushing seeing Sid's pics and madam was trying to be bold." Arishfa said.

"So what I would have done, you saw na he was teasing me. So I had to give him answer, After all I am Avneet Kaur Oberoi." Avneet said.

"Yeah yeah, Avneet kaur Oberoi never loses, she accepts every challenge.. And blah.. blah..
You know right this things doesn't work in front of Sid, he always defeats you in challenges. You have experience too, still you can't stop your heroism." Arishfa teased her. She was chuckling.

"You are laughing and I am nervous. Yaar, what will he do now. And he said he will make me blush in front of everyone, who everyone? I am so nervous. Please give me some idea. Come on Ari, you are my Savior na..." Avu said biting her nails nervously.

"What can I do in this, this is your personal matter. I am not gonna interfere in this. And anyway I am excited to see what Sid is gonna do now." Arishfa said chuckling.

"Ughh I made a big mistake by telling you this." Avu said and stomped her feet in fake anger.

Here Sid and lucky met doctor and asked him if Arishfa could eat and when will they discharge her. Doctor said they can take her home after completing some formalities after some time, till then they will do her check up. After that they went to dominos to take pizza.

"Sid what are you planning to do.." Lucky asked.

"Nothing..." Sid said mischievously smiling.

"What nothing, I know you are planning something big. That's why you gave this challenge." Lucky said suspiciously.

"Planning and me, noooooo and anyways I don't need any plan to make Avu blush. I am thinking something else." Sid said winking, leaving Lucky confused he went back taking pizzas, Lucky also followed him.

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