• chanbaek- our 6 cats and 1 on the way •

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Chen was asleep on his bed in his cat form and as he was asleep he felt his head being fussed and didn't complain and purred then as he opened his eyes he saw baekhyun. "Morning pretty want your breakfast?" He nodded then followed baekhyun in the kitchen to see 5 other cats which were his siblings. Chanyeol had laid out their foods which were in separate bowls and they ate out of the bowls with their names on. Once he ate the food he was picked up by chanyeol and saw how much he cared for the small cat "chen do you want to go for a wash in the bath?" Then he heard chen growl slightly "come on you haven't had one in ages" he was token to the bathtub and after he was washed he saw that the others were next. He shaked himself off and then headed to sit on baekhyun's lap then saw something he didn't expect to see. Baekhyun with a baby bump. "Eomma are you pregnant?" "Yes i am and you'll be having a little sister along with the others" "where will they stay?" "In mine and appa's room until they are old enough to have their own room" he nodded then started to pad his paws on the bump and then felt a kick from the bump then tapped on where they kicked softly.

He had fell asleep ontop of the big bump and baekhyun heard chen purring making him smile, chanyeol noticed the sight and smiled "just got drenched by sehun and kai" "they're the worst for washing" then they saw kai and sehun fighting in their hybrid forms "GUYS STOP FIGHTING!!" "He stole my mouse toy!!" "No i didn't you liar!!" They were fighting until they had been separated by chanyeol "kai give him back his toy" he threw it at him then kai had been told to go to his and sehun's room then sehun turned into his cat form again. He played with the mouse toy then saw the other cats rushing down the stairs then went into the garden. Sehun sat on the same sofa that baekhyun and chen were on then started to play with the mouse. As sehun made sounds with his mouth whilst playing, baekhyun had spoke "hunnie can you play with it somewhere else? Chen is asleep" he took the mouse then took it to the kitchen.

As chen was asleep, baekhyun had felt a liquid come down his trousers then had a strike of pain hit his stomach. He woke up chen by shouting for chanyeol and then the younger looked concerned "eomma are you ok?" "I'm leaving you and Xiumin in charge w-whilst we are gone o-ok?" Baekhyun said as chanyeol was helping him to the car and walking outside of the house. "Okay Eomma!" Him and xiumin had said at the same time then they knew they were in trouble when putting the others in bed.

*2 days later*

Baekhyun was holding their newborn daughter called Irene then as they entered the house they heard that all of the house was quiet. They were concerned until they saw that xiumin and chen had gotten all of them to sleep on the sofa. They quietly headed over in their hybrid forms to see the babygirl in baekhyun's arms "she's so cute" "what's her name?" "It's Irene" "it suits her i love it!" Xiumin said then it accidentally woke up their siblings. They all went over to look at the baby then all awed at the same time at her "can we all hold her?" "Only one at a time ok?" "Ok" "so who's allowed first?" Kyungsoo asked "xiumin and chen sinced they managed to keep you calm and normal whilst we were gone" "ok".

Once they all holded her, baekhyun had took her upstairs then went to bed afterwards with her to sleep.

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