LuHun - going into labour infront of EXO!?

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Top- Luhan

Bottom- Sehun

(If you don't like Luhan abusing sehun whilst being pregnant then don't read!)

Sehun's Outfit:

Sehun's Outfit:

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Luhan and sehun had been fans of EXO and were finally getting to go to their concerts, Luhan luckily bought them V.I.P tickets for the concert so they could see each member behind the stage. Luhan was the most excited about the concert, however he completely forgets that sehun is due any day from now because he is now 9 months pregnant. Sehun wishes he didn't want to go just incase he goes into labour at the concert, Luhan had saw sehun with a sad expression and spoke "what's wrong with you now!?" He sounded fed up, making sehun stutter "please c-can I not g-go to T-the c-concert?" "What!? No you are coming because I spent a lot of money on these tickets!" "I J-just don't want our baby to c-come when we are there" Luhan had punched sehun around the face and threw sehun on the sofa, causing him to whack his head off the wall quite hard. Luhan had lifted up sehun's shirt and put a loaded gun on it, making sehun panick "babe don't shoot them!" "If I hear one more complaint come out of your mouth throughout the whole pregnancy then I'll shoot the baby you hear me!?" Sehun just nodded with fear in his eyes before seeing the gun token off his round stomach and Luhan pulling sehun's shirt down.


Sehun and Luhan had enjoyed the concert but as they headed back stage, sehun started to feel small contractions hit him but he kept it to himself due to Luhan saying he would shoot the baby. He knew Luhan would've still had the gun but managed to get passed security with a gun on him, as they got to the front door of backstage, they saw security let them in, sehun saw a lot of security in this area due to EXO but never knew they needed this much to protect them and make them safe. They both saw the members and Luhan was smiling like an idiot, where as sehun felt pain again but tried not to show it, the members had saw him and Luhan but as soon as they saw sehun's round bump bulging out of sehun's shirt, they soon came over to him and were asking him several questions. Luhan started to get jealous of all the attention sehun was getting from the members, once they all got their questions answered and felt the baby kick or listen to the baby's heartbeat, sehun felt the contractions worsen and started to hiss in pain. "L-luhan can we go t-to the hospital?" "No I told you to stop complaining earlier but you don't listen so I'll do what I planned earlier" Luhan had smirked whilst he got out his gun and got sehun in a lock with the one hand, he got the gun in the other and placed it on sehun's round belly.

This view had made all of EXO shocked except for chanyeol who had moved the firing trigger away from the younger's round stomach and let it shoot upwards, making them all relieved. Luhan on the other hand, was angry at the older for moving it but not long after, two security guards had token him to the police car along with the evidently loaded gun. All of EXO were now left with sehun who had been in pain from the contractions that was giving him agony in his body, all of EXO were wondering who the dad was but then kyungsoo had questioned "who is the dad?" "T-the man who was token a-away is the d-da- Shit!" As he said the last word, everyone in the room had saw that sehun's water had now broke, making everyone in shock but then suho spoke "I'll go and call an ambulance, kyungsoo and minseok lay him down on the sofa, everyone else get towels, scissors and a small tub filled with hot, boiled water" they all followed suho's commands and sehun was token to the sofa by minseok and kyungsoo. Once he was on the sofa, the 2 males had used a reassuring voice to sehun so he could be as calm as possible whilst giving birth, kyungsoo and minseok had been trying to help sehun be calm but it didn't really help as he felt tons of contractions come to him. "It'll be ok the ambulance will hopefully be here soon" Minseok said to sehun but he was just ignoring the 2 at this point eventhough they are his favourite celebrities, he focused on wanting to push and the contractions.

Soon enough suho came back and spoke "the ambulance is on its way, how is he?" He asked the two but kyungsoo spoke "we don't know bu-" it was soon interrupted by sehun's scream in pain, this caused the other members to come into the room with the stuff suho asked for them to get. "Just place the warm water there chan" he nodded before placing it next to suho who was at the end of where sehun's legs were, he went over next to sehun and offered his hand which sehun didn't hesitate to squeeze. They were all worried for sehun and saw that he was pained from not pushing yet, making baekhyun speak "why isn't the ambulance coming faster?? This poor man needs to push!" Suho had sighed before replying "we will have to deliver the baby here instead of the hospital due to the fact that I feel it won't be here in time and for the health of both sehun and the baby" they were all backing out on delivering the baby except suho who would take on the role of doing so. Sehun was confused on how suho knew his name but didn't focus on that but he focused on getting the baby out of him "i-i need to p-push" Sehun managed to say through the pain and baekhyun spoke "he can't push yet! We don't have proper medical stuff!" "Baek now is not a time to argue, is it ok if I remove your lower area clothing?" Sehun just nodded as he was squeezing chanyeol's hand for support during the labour.

As suho removed the lower area clothing, suho had saw something he wasn't expecting right now, the baby's head was crowning. "It will be ok to push now but take deep breaths in and out when you can ok?" Sehun nodded as he was pushing with his eyes closed, wanting these last few pushes to be done and over with. "How far is he suho?" Minseok questioned "the baby's head is crowning" they were all amazed at how fast the labour had been but sehun felt like it was hours of non stop agony. Sehun felt his area burning which caused him to hiss in pain "it hurts" Sehun had said as he felt more of the body slowly come out "you're doing really good and it will be over in a few big pushes". After half an hour, sehun had been on the last push and they were all happy for sehun, giving him different types of positive messages which gave sehun courage on the last push, once he had pushed, the room was filled with baby cries from the bloody baby in suho's hands "who wants to chop the cord?" No one except chanyeol had offered to chop it, once he did that, suho spoke "who do you want to wash your baby?" "Chanyeol since he's my bias" they all were jealous of chanyeol since they wanted to wash the little baby.

As chanyeol was holding the baby with one hand, he cupped the water from the tub in his other hand and slowly poured it over the little baby's head first. He did it for different parts of the body and noticed that the baby was cooing in her own language as the warmth touched her, making the others see her as adorable. Once chanyeol had washed her fully, he wrapped her in the white towel and then passed the babygirl to sehun, he seemed happy with the little infant and smiled at her cute little features, the others knew that sehun looked at her as if she was his whole world in which she was. "What did you plan on naming the little one??" Minseok asked out of curiosity "Oh Ryujin" they all liked that name then saw the ambulance come in backstage to collect sehun and the baby to take to hospital, sehun waved with one hand to the others which meant goodbye to them, the others had knew that sehun and the little girl will be ok but they wanted to make friends with the younger male but they knew that they couldn't now due to him heading to the hospital.

(Do you think I should write part 2?)

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