Chanyeol - who's the baby daddy??

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Chanyeol has been 8 months pregnant and no members knew about this, the only person who managed to find out was sehun due to their photoshoot for their 2nd mini album they planned and agreed on. Sehun had been surprised how chanyeol could hide the big pregnancy bump so well in his clothing after finding out about chanyeol's pregnancy. Sehun and chanyeol were currently doing a photoshoot but as they were, sehun had decided to wrap his arms around chanyeol's waist but then felt something round and weird, it was as if his stomach had a weird shape to it but then he clicked to what it was. Chanyeol was pregnant. "Chan are you expecting?" "I'll tell you after the photoshoot" he whispered to sehun before carrying on with the photoshoot, sehun just nodded before carrying on with the photos.

After what seemed like forever doing the photoshoot, sehun had felt chanyeol have a grip on his wrist whilst they were heading outside, 'was it really that important to go outside just to tell me wether he is pregnant or not??' Sehun thought as they reached outside. They had reached going outside and chanyeol sighed before speaking "Why did you feel my stomach and waistline during the photoshoot!? It made me uncomfortable!!" "I'm sorry and I understand if you don't want to do the album anymore" after a while of silence from when after sehun said that, chanyeol started to build up tears in his eyes and his lip started to quiver, making sehun feel bad for no reason "hey what's wrong?" Sehun had asked in a calming voice then chanyeol responded "I'm so sorry for shouting at you like that, it was wrong of me and are you going to stop doing the album with me?" "What!? No I'd never give up working with you on our album that easy and anyways I love working with you on exo albums and our 2nd album" chanyeol cleaned up his tears then spoke "about your question about me expecting, I am pregnant" "how far?" "8 months" sehun had looked in shock "how are you hiding it so well!?" "Baggy clothes and I refused to wear the jeans because they were too small for me but if I wasn't pregnant, they would fit me just fine" they were talking until the photoshoot manager had spoke to the 2 "you boys still have another photoshoot to go" chanyeol sighed and had a sad expression with a pout until he had an idea which made him smirk.

After the photoshoot, sehun and chanyeol had been happy to finish the photoshoot but then they were both stopped by the manager of doing photos for the big company of Korea "before you leave please can we have a quick meeting? It won't be long" "Sure" sehun agreed to it but if it was chanyeol's choice then they'd be in the car by now. As the meeting had went on, it seemed like forever to chanyeol and as sehun was discussing with that manager about future photoshoots, chanyeol never felt so bored in his life. Chanyeol had smirked as he saw the water bottle in his bag and decided to be sneaky with it, making sure the 2 didn't see what he was about to do. He spreaded water all over where his water would break on his trousers and some across the floor, along with on his crotch area on the chair. He quickly placed the water bottle in his bag with the lid on before acting like he was in actual pain along with letting out a hiss in pain, once sehun noticed, he became wide eyed along with the manager, seeing the pain that chanyeol was in by holding onto his big bump with both hands on each side in pain.

"OH MY GOD MR PARK ARE YOU OK!?" "M-my water's Broke" Sehun had been worried and started to help chanyeol to the car, the manager had been trying to speak to the 2 but sehun was too focused on getting the pained chanyeol into the car. As they got outside, the manager had shouted as sehun helped chanyeol into the car "CONGRATULATIONS ON THE BABY!!" Sehun just ignored the manager and focused on getting chanyeol to the hospital. Chanyeol had acted like he was actually in labour and let out a huff in pain as were heading to the hospital "we'll get there soon ok?" Chanyeol just nodded with his eyes closed in pain. Sehun was really focused on trying to get chanyeol to the hospital but traffic had gotten in the way which was really bad "OH COME ON!" Sehun had laid back and was really annoyed but saw chanyeol not in pain anymore, making him question "how come you're not in pain anymore?" "I may or may not have faked breaking my water so we could get away from that stupid manager" "how did you fak-" chanyeol shows the empty water bottle and smiled at him, making sehun kind of relieved he wasn't actually in labour and it was just water from a water bottle instead.

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