•Part 23•

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September 27th 1967

Finally, the filming for Magical Mystery Tour had come to an end and the boys were free once again. Although they each thoroughly enjoyed making the motion picture, it did take up the majority of their days for most of the month. Paul had been contemplating all throughout this time about something special he wanted to do for Amelia - a decision he wanted to make, but not rush into. He decided to call John that morning, two days after the filming had ended.

"Hello Johnny!" Paul chirped down the telephone.

"Hello Paulie!" John replied back with a similar tone.

"I know I've spent a large amount of time with you and the boys recently, but I could really do with your help with something" He informed him.

John pondered on what Paul could be referring to, his mind cloudy with melting thoughts that merged together.

"Have you finally started using again!" He said excitedly.

Paul was taken back, "What? No, John!"

John cackled on the other end at his horrified nature, "Oh come on Paul! Filming is over! No one will find out, take the break you deserve".

Paul despised John's manipulative nature. As much as he was fond of his friend, there were qualities that he wished weren't part of him.

"You still have them, right?" John persisted again.

"John would you just stop talking about this for one second, please!" Paul replied, now with a serious tone.

"I just wondered if you wanted to accompany me to jewellers this afternoon?" He asked, hoping to revert the subject back to what Paul originally had on his mind.

"Oh I see!" John said realising the situation, "I'll come right away!".

Later that day, the pair met in Hatton Garden and walked into one of the many jewellery shops.

"Good afternoon gentleman" a smartly dressed man said welcoming them into the highly esteemed store.

"Now, what are we looking for today?" He asked.

"I'm looking for an engagement ring" Paul replied.

The man smiled, "Ah. Very nice".

The couple had now been receiving increasingly more publicity since Amelia was spotted working with the band on the film set, so the man understood the situation. And because the area was so prestigious, he swore not to tell a soul about Paul and John's visit.

They browsed at the large array of rings on display. Paul knew that he would sense which one was right, he just had to keep searching. Something dainty, but not boring. Something unique, but not garish.

"How about this, Paul?" John called from across the room.

Paul walked over and peered into the case. He was slightly surprised that John has actually made a serious suggestion. It was a slim silver ring with a humble sapphire stone in the centre and small intricate details running across the band. It instantly made Paul beam and felt compelled to choose it.

"Shall I take it out for you, Sir?" The man asked.

Almost entranced Paul replied, "Yes, please. This is wonderful".

Not long after, Paul purchased the ring and had it placed in a black suede box before they departed and thanked the owners.

"So, when do you think you'll ask her?" John asked smirking as they walked back through London.

With almost no hesitation he replied, "Tomorrow, it has to be tomorrow John. I absolutely adore her".

"I know Paul, I know" John replied slightly melancholy, "I wish I still felt as excited as you do now".

Paul felt for his friend, but he knew this would be a consequence for the things he'd done.

"It won't improve your marriage, John. As much as it makes your life more enjoyable, it won't make things better between you and Cynthia" Paul said with wisdom.

John scoffed, "I don't even know what to think anymore. But I do know that I need more now".

Paul felt somewhat defeated at his friends attitude towards his life and decisions, but still he cared for him and allowed him to make his own decisions.

Meanwhile back at Amelia's home, she was prepping a surprise dinner for herself and Paul. She knew he would be arriving that evening so she wanted to do something special, even if it did mean she would have to conform to her housewife stereotype for the evening. She could see that he had been more affectionate in recent times, despite his absence with the filming project, and felt so much love for him. Thought, she had sensed that he was being somewhat secretive with her for some reason but quickly glossed over it and focused back on her cooking. Now more than ever, she wanted to spend the rest of her days with him. They had been through it all, and still they came out strong in the end.

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