•Part 42•

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April 20th 1968

"So, we think that you would be perfect for this role. Your attitude towards the company and the work we've assigned to you over the last few months has been outstanding. We're very impressed" Amelia said in the meeting room where Tracey and Mr Miles were present.

"Thank you, Amelia" Tracey replied politely.

"And the position we think would be fit for you, is head of the writing department and co-director" she informed her.

Tracey was beyond shocked and some what confused, "But isn't that you role?"

Amelia smiled, "It is indeed".

Tracey covered her mouth with her hands and Amelia laughed a little, "I don't know what to say! Where are you going then?".

"I've decided to hand the position onto the next generation. I'm stepping down from journalism and focusing on a new direction" she said being honest with her.

"That's so exciting" Tracy replied.

"Now of course, this isn't an easy job. But we're willing to give you all the support you need to get you started" Mr Miles told her and she nodded sharply.

"Does this mean I get this office?" she asked tentatively.

"Yes. Yes it does" she said beaming and Tracey found it difficult to contain herself.

Whilst things were going well in the office, it was a different story across the street. The boys had finally got started with their recordings, but it wasn't going the way Paul had thought. He was prepared to exchange the demos they had done whilst they were away, but something unexpected had occurred.

"But I thought we were in agreement" Paul said greatly confused.

"I was Paul. But Yoko is different - she's an artist" John said standing next to his new woman.

The band had informed Paul about all that had happened on their trip to India. George had become increasingly interested in religion whereas John's marriage absolutely crumbled with Cynthia and confessed to her that he'd been seeing Yoko Ono for some time. What was more shocking, was that he had brought her to the studio that day after they had all agreed on no significant others being present in their recording sessions anymore.

"John, we had an arrangement" he reminded him sternly.

"Look she'll only be here a few days and then she'll probably head back to work" John said calmly.

Paul was sceptical but realised that making the album was more important than their current debate.

"Fine. Come on then, lets see what we have" Paul said and the boys began to jam together and discuss their new ideas.

Back at the office, Amelia began to gather up her belongings and preparing for Tracey to move in.

"I just can't believe you think I'm good enough for this" she said helping Amelia with some boxes.

"Tracey, you are honestly a natural" she replied smiling at her and she blushed a little at her compliment.

Tracey slowly moved her things into the room and made it her own.

"So what do you think you'll do now?" She asked curiously.

Amelia thought for a moment before responding.

"I'm not entirely sure if I'm honest. But I think that's the exciting thing, you know?" She said to her and she nodded understandingly.

"I have become more invested in photography recently so perhaps that's a route I could venture down, or start working on music more I suppose" she continued.

"Well I hope it goes well, whatever you do" Tracey said.

"Thank you, and the same for you" she replied.

The room was finished apart from a few miscellaneous items that Tracey was yet to bring the next day.

"I know this is somewhat unprofessional of me," Tracey began "but what's it like knowing the Beatles" she said.

Amelia smiled fondly and thought about what to say that wouldn't compromise the boys.

"It's wonderful really. I've learnt so much and honestly I've never met anyone like them. They just have this bond that I can't even describe. It's like they're all related" she said and Tracey smiled too.

"I think it's just amazing how you're so humble about everything, I mean we all see the work you do with them" she said and Amelia blushed a little.

"I'm just very excited for you especially if you were to venture further into the music business" she continued.

Amelia felt flattered,  "That is so kind of you Tracey. I'm very excited as well".

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