•Part 37•

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February 28th 1968

After what seemed like an eventful month, it was finally time for Paul and Amelia to become one in marriage. Paul was already at the venue with the rest of the boys, alongside George Martin and other notable people associated with the band.

Meanwhile,  Amelia was getting herself ready at Sheila's home which was the closest to the wedding venue. Amelia had requested that her wedding stylist helped her get ready as well as a makeup artist from the Magical Mystery Tour film shoot who she had befriended on set.

"What look shall we go for? Have you had any ideas?" the makeup artist asked her.

"Well the theme is lilac so anything that compliments that I suppose. Nothing too heavy or garish" she told her and took her guidance.

"Where are the flowers Amelia?" her Mother asked her.

"Oh, I left them in the corridor. There should be three bouquets" she said directing her so that her Mother could tie the ribbon around them.

After roughly twenty minutes, both her hair and makeup was finished as well as her bridesmaids.

"Time to put the dress on!" she declared "How are we for time?"

Her stylist checked her watch, "We've got about half an hour until the car arrives".

"That'll do" she said and went into another room with her stylist to get changed.

"What if it doesn't fit" she thought nervously before stepping into the dress.

"Oh don't be daft! You had your final fitting four days ago" her stylist said laughing.

"You're right. I just hope Paul likes it" she said unable to stop her mind from worrying.

"You look gorgeous, love." she said reassuring her.

When the back was tied and the skirt was smoothed, she was finally ready. The girls looked as shocked as when they first saw her in the dress all those months ago.

"Wow!" he father exclaimed, seeing the dress for the first time.

Amelia tried her best to hold back her tears, but couldn't help it once her father started weeping.

"I love you so much dear" he said giving her a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"I love you too Father" she replied sniffing a little and her mother handed her handkerchief in time.

"You still look incredible Amelia!" Lisa said astonished at the sight.

The adrenaline was starting to rise inside her and she couldn't wait to finally walk down the aisle. The car shortly arrived and the girls headed to the venue. The journey seemed like an eternity when in actual fact it only took them ten minutes to arrive. Everyone was ready in their positions. Paul was pacing around the alter with John right beside him.

"Hey, don't be nervous Paul. She'll be here" he said gently reassuring him.

Paul smiled, "Cheers John" and gave him a quick hug.

A few moments later, the priest instructed the congregation to rise for the bride to enter. Paul's heart began to thump inside his rib cage, but tried his best to contain himself as he faced away from her. He could sense her presence creeping down the isle and he couldn't wait any longer to finally see her beautiful figure.

Amelia beamed at a few of the guests who she caught eyes with and waved a little to some too. Her father had his arm linked with hers all the way until they met with Paul and the others.

Finally, he could look at her. No words could justify how she looked in his eyes. All of the songs he had ever penned about her and with her could not amount to any sensation he felt when his eyes fell upon her breathtaking figure. The bridesmaids looked incredible too in his eyes and smiled at them fondly as each of them entered before her.

"Hello!" she said giddily with a hushed tone as they met.

Paul's mouth was still slightly agar in shock, but his smile was great.

"You look wonderful" he whispered to her.

She smiled and blushed a little, then they reverted their focus back to the priest as they commenced the ceremony.

Every moment was special - Amelia was anxious that the ceremony would "drag on" so to speak, but she savoured every second of it. John stood proudly beside his friend and admired Paul's genuine adoration for her. It made him think deeper about his marriage to Cynthia and whether he was truly happy with the current state of their relationship. He couldn't dwell on it for long though, as soon the vows were being exchanged and he bore the rings to Paul. As much as Amelia was anticipating this moment, Paul was just as intrigued to see her reaction to the wedding ring.

Paul held her dainty hand in his in preparation to place the ring upon her finger. Just before he did so, he held the ring at the perfect angle so that she could catch a glimpse of a small detail he had added just days prior. She moved her eyes away from his as his smirk grew larger and she noticed some small writing on the inside of the band. She looked closer and it read;

"Knowing that love is to share"

Almost instantly she recognised the words from one of her favourite songs of love that Paul had written inspired by her 'Here, There and Everywhere'. She also noticed that it was written in Paul's handwriting and she almost wept there and then at the sentiment. Her eyes flew to his face and then to John who was stood behind him and chuckled to himself at her reaction.

"I really would adore nothing more than to kiss you right now" she whispered faintly and he glided the precious ring onto her finger. Paul beamed, but tried to contain himself as the vows commenced.

"Do you, James Paul McCartney, take Amelia Elizabeth Jordan, to be your lawful wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; as long as you both shall live?" 

"I do"

Both their eyes were gleaming and shiny with tears close to leaking from them. The priest then addressed Amelia;

"Do you, Amelia Elizabeth Jordan, take James Paul McCartney to be your lawful wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

Amelia smiled and widened her eyes playfully, causing Paul to smirk. Finally, the pinnacle of the event had arrived.

"Since Amelia and Paul have grown in knowledge and love of one another, and because they have agreed in their desire to go forward in life together, seeking an even richer, deepening relationship, and because they have pledged to meet sorrow and joy as one family, we rejoice to recognise them as husband and wife. Paul, you may now kiss your bride"

And so it was, the two were finally one.

After so many years and with a large amount of twists along the way - the couple were completely and utterly in adoration of one another. Just as they were in the early days. The fact that Amelia had withstood the majority of the Beatles' journey showed her true love for Paul, and he was eternally grateful to her. A grand round of applause commenced as Paul held her face in his left hand and guided their lips to meet. It was a kiss that would be special to each of them for all the days of their lives. They pulled apart and their cheeks began to ache from how much they were gleaming at each other.

"I love you so much" she exclaimed over the loud cheering.

"I love you too, Lia. You're my favourite".

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