•Part 38•

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February 28th 1968

The happy couple waltzed giddily outside of the venue where various photographers took pictures of them for the press. They were then ushered to the reception venue back in London which was not too far from Amelia and Paul's new home. They spent some time conversing with their guests and drinking champagne before the meal commenced.

The first speech of the day was from Amelia's father, following the tradition of course.

"If I'm wholeheartedly honest, Amelia's mother and I were rather concerned when we discovered that she had encountered Paul. Knowing that he was a top musician and part of the most successful and well known group in the world - I felt as if she couldn't be with anyone more perfect for her. Her mother took a little more convincing, however.

Amelia was always a very independent child and took pride in her enthusiasm and unconventional nature. It took a while for us to understand, but eventually we did. And just when we thought that couldn't get any better, we realised Paul was exactly the same. It's a cliche, but it is as though they had been designed for each other perfectly. As I'm sure many of you are aware, and John will probably touch on this later, their collaborative work is unlike any I've ever heard. I haven't been there for the times you've worked together, but I know that it would be a wonderful and marvelling sight to behold.

Even after the few disruptions you've had along the way of your crazy musical lives, you two have proven to us that nothing can stop you. No amount of heckling or personal struggle can separate the true love and appreciation you have for one another. I think many of us here actually envy you both a little."

The congregation laughed at this, whilst Paul and Amelia exchanged glances.

"But we will promise to support you both throughout your life together. We are more than thrilled to see where your careers will lead you and we pray that your collaborative work continues for as long as it can. We love you both so dearly.

And before I finish, I'd like to thank you Paul personally.

Your continued support and care for our daughter has been more than admirable. It's so effortless, but it doesn't go unnoticed. We cannot thank you enough for how much you've encouraged and supported her in all that she's done. I feel like you make her whole. Without you, her dreams and aspirations wouldn't have ever been seen in the light of day. The fact you've helped to unlock her musical talent, that we only thought was a hobby of hers, is just incredible. You've shown us who our girl really is. So thank you Paul - we are thrilled to have you part of our family."

Amelia was now in tears and Paul wasn't far behind. He was baffled at how much appreciation he was receiving from her family considering they hadn't spent an awful lot of quality time together.

"And of course, we love you very much too Amelia. Thank you everyone for your efforts today, we hope you enjoy the rest of this evening."

She rose from her seat and gave her Father a tight squeeze then did the same to her Mother. She was full of warmth and love for her parents and couldn't help but feel emotional.

Now, she was almost dreading John's speech. The couple felt it could go one of two ways: 1. A drunken and intoxicated mess or 2. A truly heartfelt and extremely tender account of his friendship with Paul. They hoped it was the later of the two.

John stood from his chair after the applause had died down. He did up his waistcoat and cleared his throat in preparation.

"Good evening people!" he said grandly and the boys, including Paul, cheered loudly causing some laughs.

"As much as I could absolutely rip Paul to shreds with this speech, I've decided to take a more loving approach for my dear friend"

He began and Paul smiled down at his hands a little bashful - Amelia was somewhat relived.

"You all know the story of how we met. But you may not know the story of how Amelia and I met. I know she's your wife Paul, but she is rather important."

Everyone chuckled and Amelia smiled at him.

"We were playing a set at the Royal Variety Performance back in 1963 and Paul came up to us afterwards saying, 'I've just spotted the love of my life'"

Amelia was astounded. Paul had never spoken of this, but it was all true.

"So of course, I had to investigate - and he was right. She was instantly remarkable and unlike any of the other girls Paul had been with. In fact, she was unlike any other girl we had all met! She was shockingly independent and astonishingly confident. What seemed to interest Paul the most though, was the fact that she was so knowledgeable in music - yet she wasn't an established musician herself. I was rather confused until Paul introduced her to the studio. Her musicality fitted ours perfectly and I can honestly say that Paul couldn't have written his best songs without you."

This meant a great deal to Amelia, and she couldn't help but feel highly appreciated by him.

"Paul and I have spoken a lot about his relationships in the past, but none seemed to excite him as much as his with Amelia. I think he knew they were going to spend the rest of their lives together quite early on. With this speech, I speak on behalf of all the boys and everyone at Abbey Road. We cannot thank you enough for your help and guidance with our music - you've helped us without taking control and we truly appreciate that. We also thank you for how you've progressed Paul with his work and encouraged him to be the artist he was destined to become. You're a catalyst Amelia. Thank you"

Amelia blushed and quickly wiped a tear from her eye as Paul squeezed her hand lovingly.

"And as for you Paul. I love you"

Paul laughed at this, but it was endearing.

"You're like a brother to me. Sometimes I feel I could spend every second of every day with you. And other times I feel as though I can't even be in the same room as you. But I think we just click and I love it. I won't go too far into it - I feel our relationship is quite personal that only we can understand. But I will say this. You've shown me new approaches, and embraced my ideas when I thought no one else would. You tell me to change key or a line here and there where it doesn't quite fit - and I'm never offended. I totally respect you musically and as a dear friend. You and Amelia complete each other - and I hope you stay connected for the rest of your lives."

And after that, he was finished. An even louder and more enthusiastic applause erupted and multiple people stood from their seats. Paul walked over and embraced his friend, giving him a tight hug and thanked him.

"You're my best friend, Johnny" he said still holding him.

"You're alright too I suppose" John replied jokingly and the pair laughed.

Amelia's emotions were through the roof and she longed for the rest of the night to continue. As much as she was truly touched by each word that was spoken that evening, she longed nothing more in that moment than to digest the day and spend some time alone with her husband. Paul felt the same, but they both pressed on and enjoyed the night of celebration.

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