•Part 41•

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April 1st 1968

Paul and Amelia's honeymoon trip had eventually come to an end and they were on their way home. Their time together alone in Cornwall was special, and they both thoroughly enjoyed a break from reality for a while. But the two were prepared to go back to their ways. After a lengthy car journey, the pair reached their home that still seemed like new upon arrival.

"I can't wait for us to properly spend some time together here" Amelia said unlocking the front door.

"Me too, I feel like we haven't properly enjoyed it yet" Paul said following her in.

They walked into the foyer, "I don't even think I've properly looked at all the rooms yet" she said.

Paul smirked knowing that there was a surprise for her somewhere in the house, "Why don't you have a look around".

"Alright then" she said casually and Paul took her bags and slumped down on the sofa.

Amelia couldn't wait to enjoy married life with Paul in their first house together whilst the other boys were still in India. She was also looking forward to watching Paul get back to his creative self and start writing again for the upcoming Beatles record. She mindlessly waltzed around the house and stood in each room for a number of minutes, taking in the furniture and various pieces of artwork on the walls alongside extracts from Amelia's most notable articles.

After some time, she reached one of the spare rooms that Paul and herself were wondering what it could be used for. Unlike the other rooms, the door to this one was closed completely. This sparked Amelia's curiosity and swiftly she opened the door. This revealed a full sized grand piano that sat perfectly in the centre of the room. Amelia's mouth fell open uncontrollably and she couldn't believe the sight. She gracefully walked over to it and ran her fingers over the jet black lid which was closed. Amelia took a glance at her shocked expression in the reflection of the pristinely clean surface and notice Paul leaning against the doorway, smiling proudly.

"Paul what is this doing here!" she said laughing still in disbelief.

"Have a proper look!" he insisted, nodding his head in the pianos direction and chuckling to himself.

Amelia looked back at the instrument and noticed a small piece of paper resting on the music rack. She picked it up and read it aloud,

"To Amelia, this is our collective wedding gift to you and Paul. Keep doing music - you're a natural.
Love John, George and Ringo x"

Amelia was overcome with love and appreciation for all the boys and couldn't help but smile at their kind words. Paul walked up behind her as she stood in awe of the gift and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Now you can play properly whenever you want" he said to her.

"Well apart from when you're playing it" she joked.

"Yes I suppose so" Paul laughed.

She couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful object, "Paul, we have a grand piano in our spare room!" she whispered still in disbelief.

Paul chuckled at her, "What are you gonna play first then?" he said raising his left brow.

"Well I have one idea" she said thinking back to a few months ago.

She took a seat and the piano and Paul lifted up the lid correctly. He then leant on the side of the piano and watched her play a springy and fun melody. Amelia began to sing the words of the chorus she had made up with John a few months ago;

"Hold your head up, you silly girl
Look what you've done
When you find yourself in the thick of it
Help yourself to a bit of what is all around you
Silly girl"

Paul smiled at the words and realised it could be in reference to her, but also felt it could be about something else.

"Take a good look around you
Take a good look you're bound to see
That you and me were meant to be
With each other
Silly girl"

She abruptly paused the song, "I'm not really sure what it is, but I think it's funny".

"Yeah, I agree. I love it though" he told her.

"Perhaps it'll come together at some point in the future" she said leaving Paul with the piano and exiting the room.

"Maybe" Paul began to think about the discussion he had with the boys and George Martin a few weeks ago and felt now was the right time to tell Amelia.

"Lia, there's something I need to tell you" he said before she walked through the doorway.

"I know" she said softly and little sad.

"You do?" he replied slightly baffled.

"Yeah, John told me before we got married" she said.

"It's nothing personal though, Lia. I just think we could go back to being just the four of us in the studio. It'll give us a chance to find our sound again and work well together" Paul said and Amelia understood.

"I appreciate that. I'm going to be honest, I am a little sad about it - I really love working with you all in the studio. But that's just something I need to get over" she replied with a small smile.

Paul sympathised for her, "Amelia, your involvement has been amazing. I totally understand that this might be hard for you, you've really been there for us over the last few years. We've really appreciated it. I'm so excited for us to keep writing together, and if not even more now that you're stepping down from the magazine" he said.

She smiled at him, "Thank you love. That does remind me, I'm going to ring Mr Miles now and arrange a meeting when I go back to work".

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