•Part 25•

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September 28th 1967

To say it was the most glorious summers day would be an understatement in Paul's eyes. As soon as he awoke, he couldn't help but think about the proposal that would be happening. He played through the scenario in his head over and over as Amelia remained peacefully asleep beside him. He settled on asking her that very morning, he couldn't wait any longer - especially after their romantic meal the night before. Amelia began to rustle next him as she rose from her deep sleep.

"Good morning, my dear" Paul said softly as she opened her eyes.

"Good morning!" she said with pure joy, almost forgetting that Paul had decided to stay the night.

"Can we do something fun today?" she asked randomly whilst stretching.

Paul laughed at her comment, "what do you have in mind exactly?".

She thought for a moment, "I don't know yet, but I want to go somewhere!".

It still baffled him how awake Amelia appeared no matter what time of day she woke up. They chatted some more about what they could do that day, but didn't really come to any conclusion - perhaps it was too early to decide yet.

"I know, how about you go downstairs and then we can decide when you've brought me a cup of coffee" he said cheekily, but knowing what he was intending to do.

She scoffed, "Whilst you stay in my bed lounging around?"

He smiled, "I would get it myself, but my legs still haven't woken up yet"

Amelia shoved him playfully then clambered out of bed to make him a coffee.

As soon as her presence had vacated the room, Paul sprung into action. He didn't bother getting dressed and went into the bathroom to fetch the ring that he had hidden behind the cabinet. Amelia had a knack for accidentally finding things so he had to be careful about where he placed the box. He couldn't wait to finally ask her to be his wife. This was just the beginning of their new stage in life, and he just couldn't stall it any longer. He loved her so deeply and could never imagine his life without her in it.

Oblivious to what Paul was up to, she raced down the stairs to make him his coffee. So fast in fact that she managed to knocked his blazer off the banister. Usually this wouldn't have fazed her, but an odd noise came from what seemed like the inside pocket when it fell to the ground. She stopped in her tracks and checked around her to make sure he couldn't see her. She knew she shouldn't look through other peoples belongings - another sign of poor etiquette that her mother had stressed to her as a child. But her intriguing nature got the better of her and felt urged to find out what it was that was lurking inside his pocket. She picked up his blazer and fumbled around the inside. Soon enough, she found a cold, silver tin container.

Her heart dropped as she recognised the familiar object. Her mind was once again flown back to that day when John had hurried the box into the corner and out of sight when she approached them. She didn't want her speculations to be true, but now she feared the worst. Despite last nights discussion, she felt as though possibly only the other boys were involved in such a thing. But not Paul, never Paul. How could he? He was a sweet innocent young man who made wonderful and intriguing music, everything that Amelia could ever dream of in a man. Her mind still racing, she decided to open the tin and revealed what hid inside. Her eyes suddenly filled with tears, feeling confused and enraged. Inside laid about a dozen LSD strips that were brightly coloured and paper like. Amelia knew exactly what it was. She thought back to their conversation the previous night, and trusted every word that Paul had said to her. But now she concluded what he had been up to, why he had been so secretive lately and why the boys were acting strange towards her.

"What's taking you so long Lia?" Paul called from upstairs now becoming impatient.

Amelia held back the tears, as much as she wanted to just collapse in heap at the bottom of the stairs. Eventually, she sourced the courage to make her way up to the bedroom again to confront him. She dreaded each step and thought of what she could possibly say to him. Then suddenly, a rush of anger flooded through her system and she couldn't contain her emotions any longer.

"Explain this to me right now" she demanded, causing Paul to snap his head around to face her as he stood in the bathroom doorway.

His eyes fell to the tin that she was holding in her left hand and immediately he felt as if the world was about to end.

second question... ~ Paul McCartney (2nd book)Where stories live. Discover now