•Part 30•

312 13 2

November 14th 1967

Her mouth fell open without control. The candles beautifully lit the way for her as she gracefully followed the path. She gazed at the cloth that hung above her and sheltered the rest of the trail.

"What is he doing" she said smiling and shaking her head in disbelief.

Paul caught a glimpse of her as he waited for her arrival. She was edging closer and closer to him. Then she finally spotted her love. Standing majestically and on the bandstand, which seemed all too fitting for him as a musician and the subtle links to Sgt. Pepper. She paused as he stood a good distance from her and they locked eyes.

"Paul, what on earth is happening!" she laughed still unsure of what this was all for.

He just simply smiled at her and invited her up onto the bandstand with him.

A beautiful flower bouquet was arranged behind him with sage and a soft pink colour scheme. She took in all that was around them, before making her way next to Paul.

"Paul, please tell me what is happening" she begged, "I fear I might collapse!"

He gently took her hands and held them tenderly. He smiled softly and looked at her lovingly.

"Amelia Jordan, you are simply the love of my life"

As soon as these words fell from his mouth, she realised exactly what was happening and felt as if she could burst into tears there and then.

"We have known each other and grown with each other for quite some time now, and I feel you have moulded me into the man I was destined to be. You are the better half of me, and without your musical and personal influence, nothing I have achieved could have been possible"

She took a deep breath, however, it wasn't enough to contain her emotions and soon a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"Your passion and pure joy for what I do is the best thing I could ever ask for, and I didn't even have to ask for it!"

She laughed and wiped her eyes quickly.

"You're so incredibly talented and I truly believe that we will continue to do immeasurably more amazing things in the life that we will spend together, which is why-"

Paul then removed the suede box that had been resting in his pocket and let go of her smooth hands.

"I am going to ask you to marry me"

He braced himself in the traditional position of one knee on the ground and opened the box to reveal the ring that glistened from the candle light. Her hands instantly went to her face, yet he continued.

"Amelia, my dear. Will you marry me?"

She stood there staring at his face with tears in full flow. To Paul it seemed like a lifetime - longing, waiting for her to answer.

"I'd be delighted!" she beamed and he rose to embrace her.

They stood in each others arms taking in the moment and dwelling with one another. Paul felt elated and Amelia was full with love.

"You're so wonderful" she exclaimed.

"I love you more than anything, Lia" he said honestly.

"I love you so incredibly much" she said in return.

They then drew apart and Paul carefully removed the ring from its casing. Although she had seen the box for the ring before, she hadn't fully seen it in all its splendour. It was breath taking and it seemed as though it had been created purely for her alone to wear.

"Goodness me, you are so beautiful" he said almost as if it was a new realisation and Amelia laughed at his tone.

He tenderly slid the ring onto her finger and it was a perfect fit. She held it closer to her face to look at it properly.

"How did you find this?" she asked, astounded at his efforts.

"John was surprisingly helpful" he said laughing slightly.

Amelia took his face in her left hand and brought him closer to her face. She kissed him passionately and he kissed her with the same motivation. The kiss lasted a long time, with neither of them wanting time to pass. But they eventually finished their embrace. Amelia took a look around the area once again.

"Who helped you with this?" she asked in amazement.

Paul scoffed, "You really have that little faith in me to pull this off?"

She laughed, "But you're right, Sheila gave me a hand" he informed her.

"See, I told you" she remarked, "Is she still here?"

And as if by magic, Sheila appeared from the side and Amelia moved towards her.

She squealed and they held each other tight.

"Congratulations!" she said delighted for her "Show me the ring!".

"Isn't it beautiful" she gasped as they stood in awe of the jewellery.

Needless to say, Paul was very proud of himself.

"You're getting married Amelia!" Sheila squealed excitedly.

"I know!" she said but still feeling entranced.

Paul walked up to them and Sheila embraced him also.

"Thank you for your help, Sheila" he said gratefully.

"I'd do anything for you two, there's just something so special about the both of you together" she said with great wisdom and the couple were slightly taken back.

"You are the best Sheila" Amelia exclaimed giving her one final embrace before they all headed home.

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