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I was desperate to get out of there. I ripped off the lanyard and left it on the front desk. The minute I stepped outside I booked an uber to pick me up and take me home. I was too emotional to find another way to get home.

After catching a taxi, I arrived back home.

I quickly kicked off my shoes and unzipped my dress before slipping in my bedsheets cover me. It was way too early for sleep but I didn't know what else I could do, this Nathaniel just ruined my whole mood.

A loud banging wakes me up from sleep. I sit up rubbing eyes and checking my phone for the time. It was 8 in the morning. Had I really slept for that long? I'm surprised my parents didn't come in and check on me.

"What a Surprise " I mutter earning a scowl from my best friend as she storms into my room.

"So dear Retty why am I seeing less of the Kardashians and more of my best friend on the news?" Of course, she would, wait what the news.

"Oh god, you don't even know, " tam says mortified. She pushed her phone into my chest before heading to the kitchen probably to pour herself a drink. Alcoholic of course.

She pulled up a video on one of those entertainment accounts and the information was there. Nathaniel can be seen walking out of his building as the reporters ambush him with questions.

The video was followed with footage of us playing on the street and then it goes on to talk about the connection between myself and Nathaniel' family.

"So, what happened when you went to Mr gazillionaires place then did you get down and dirty did you finally lose that virginity sign you have marked on your forehead. " Tammy always has to bring in my virginity thing every time.

I toss her phone on the sofa to the sitting room and head to the kitchen.

"I will never do anything with men the likes of him," I say annoyed as I think about yesterday all over again. Tammy looked at me strangely, her eyes squinting as she gave me an 'are you serious look'.

"What, the hot, gorgeous and sexy type you're telling me you never want to jump onto that waggon, give me a break Retty you'd be stupid not to, and you had the chance this morning and you blew it, you've let down the entire female population."

I'm not quite sure if she's annoyed, Angry or upset I mean she looks angry and sounds upset.

This girl is giving me mixed signals. Tammy, she always looked after me we became friends in university and now we are getting an apartment together.

She's always trying to set me up with boys younger and older but I just was never into it, guys just want one thing nowadays, a simple hump and jump. And I can't give that to them, I'm not experienced and I want my first time to be special I know that sounds lame and everything but it's true.

My parents, they were first-timers for both of them they met when they were both 25 at a party thrown in London it was my Uncles party and he set them up and they hit it off. I want what they had and, I want to meet someone and be attracted to them and want them and for them to want me.

The first year of uni I met this guy it was freshers I didn't drink neither did he at the time and we hit it off we were in the same course so we had the same interests and it was great.

But the next night when we went out together, he was drunk extremely drunk he tried to take advantage of me when I went out for some fresh air, and that was when I met Tammy, she saved me from being raped and I'm so thankful to have her, she may always try to set me up but she will never let me date someone without asking him questions and doing the whole 'you hurt her, you die' she took English literature she has an act for being very theatrical.

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