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Chapter 16

I woke up to the sun streaming into the room, reflecting off one of the mirrors. I brought my hand up to move the hair covering the right side of my face only to freeze completely. Nate was lying next to me, the blanket was covering half of his body.

I would have loved to stay here and watch him but the sudden urgency of needing the toilet had me already sitting up. He didn't sleep here, did he? I thought as I walked quietly across the room and into the bathroom.

I finished my business and walked over to the sink to wash my hands. I spotted myself in the mirror, and cringed. The dress I was wearing was now wrinkled and looked not as appealing, Luckily it was a flowy dress and not a bodycon dress, I doubt I would have been able to sleep in that.

Besides the mirror on a vanity table there was a small note laying on top of a pile of clothes.

I would have given these to you last night to sleep in but since you want to fake being asleep I decided to let you sleep. Feel free to use the shower and put these on.


My hand flew to my mouth, my eyes darting back to the room to see Nate turned over on his front. He knew I was pretending, but how?

I decided that I would much prefer not to smell gross when Nate wakes up so I took the towel he laid next to the note and used his shower, making sure to lock the door just in case.

As soon as I rinsed my hair I turned around and picked up a simple bottle of head and shoulders. This will do. I massaged the shampoo into my hair before rinsing it. The shower head in his shower was ridiculously strong and I could honestly stay in here for ages but I didn't want to spend too long in here. I am sure Nate needs to use it and head to work.

After the long shower I put the clothes he gave me. I checked myself in the mirror and quickly adjusted the shorts he gave me. Finally when I opened the bathroom door I noticed that Nate was no longer sleeping, now he sat at the end of the bed typing on his phone.

His head lifted up when I stepped back into the room. I felt shy in front of Nate like this, completely bare no makeup, my hair in tight curls down my back.

" How did you know?" I asked him as I walked further into the room. Nate placed his phone down on the bed. " you're not that good at pretending to be asleep, I don't know who told you otherwise" Nate smirked as he watched me.

" well I may have been half asleep, also how did you end up in the bed did we sleep together last night?" I asked as I folded up my dress and placed it on the bed. Nate reached out and tugged me down next to him. His finger were under my jaw.

" I came in here this morning, as much as I would have loved to sleep here I didn't think it was the right time, not yet" he spoke slowly. I watched with widened eyes as he leaned in and gently placed a small kiss on my lips.

He leaned back and ran his fingers through his hair. I only just noticed that his hair was wet. If I had noticed that this morning I wouldn't have assumed that he slept next to me.

" C'mon lets have something to eat, I don't know about you but I am starving" He says, he stands up and pulls at my arm pulling me up to my feet. I looked away as he stared intently at me. Hungry for what, Nate.

Nate brings me into the kitchen and leaves me by the table as he pulls out food from his fridge. I watched as he pulled out eggs along with sausages and mushrooms. I glanced at Nate as he turned around. " you look surprised, did you think I couldn't cook" he asks with a smirk.

" I never said anything" I replied, he only hummed in return as he faced the fridge again. I watched him silently as he removed a frying pan out of a cupboard before starting to fry the sausages and mushrooms. It was quite therapeutic to see him cooking.

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