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Chapter 17

The minute I left work I went straight home to start getting ready. It was currently 5 in the evening and Nate said that he would finish up for 6 and we could go to dinner at around 7. All throughout the day I kept thinking about tonight and what I should wear.

Nate had sent me the name of the restaurant we would be going to, and I did a quick google search and noticed that It was a classy restaurant, Italian to be specific.

I was glad he told me in advance, so I knew what to wear. I decided on a simple dress that wasn't too short but still showed off my legs. If I was going to be proud of something it had to be my legs.

I had just about finished with my hair when I heard a car pull up to my apartment. I quickly applied some lipstick and shoved anything I would need into a small handbag.

With my shoes in one hand I ran down the stairs just as Nate rung my doorbell. I smoothed my hand down my dress and quickly opened the door.

Nate stood tall wearing a white t-shirt with some of the buttons undone giving me a clear view of his chest. He accompanies his white shirt with a nice blazer nothing too smart but not casual either.

For down below he decided on a pair of black trousers they fitted nicely to his legs and lastly, he wears some black ballet shoes.

"Beautiful as always Loretta " Nate steps closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me in. I breathed in his scent and let out a small moan at how good he smelt.

"How am I going to keep all of their eyes off you Loretta" he practically growls out running his fingers through my hair. I loved that "I can think of a few ways " I say wiggling my eyebrows In a Suggestive manner.

"Loretta " he warns me, tightening his grip.

I leant in and kissed him gently. "let's go" I whispered leaning back. I watched Nate soften his hard look and kiss me back, his hand holding my waist delicately.

The drive to the restaurant was short. Nate grabbed my hand as we left the car. He pulled me tightly against his side as we moved passed people, some were removing their phones and trying to take pictures, but Nate easily walked through the middle of them and into the restaurant.

The minute we arrived a lot of the customers already eating turned when Nate walked in. Nate smiled as he spoke to one of the waiters.

"It's an honour to have you here tonight Mr Tessoro, will it be the two of you tonight?" the man asks Nate directly although he did spare me a glance.

"Yes, we would like somewhere quiet" Nate tells him.

From the corner of my eye I spot a couple who had two kids with them, they stood in the waiting section. Only now did I realise the line of people waiting to be seated and we just walked in and are already getting seated.

We were guided to a table which was away from the kitchen and in a more private area of the restaurant.

"Wait here, I'm just going to use the bathroom" Nate says leaning down to kiss my cheek. I nod as I place my bag beside me.

When Nate leaves, I turn back to the entrance and notice the couple looking stressed as one of their kids started to cry.

I quickly get up and walk over, the line that was waiting wasn't getting smaller, yet people were walking in and easily getting seated.

The woman glances up at me as I approached them. "Twins" I ask noticing how similar they looked to each other.

"Yes, both turning two today " the father I presume tells me as he pushes the kids away from each other. I notice that the women slightly nudged him whilst giving him a warning look. So, it was there birthday.

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