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Chapter 6

"As much as I love hearing your voice Loretta, I need to speak first" Nathaniel cut me off instantly when I started to say something.

I sighed but let him speak. "I need to apologise for what I said to you that day. I won't make any excuses, I just made a bad judgement and my past experiences with women got the better of me. I'm so sorry Loretta"

I breathed in deeply. I shouldn't fight him on this, I should let him apologise so we can move on and carry on as if we didn't know each other.

"thank you, I understand that there are interesting women out there, but you shouldn't label all women as that Nathaniel it's not fair" every woman deserves a chance.

He nods his head. "I will be sure to not judge so quickly in the future"

"I should really thank you for what you did for me and my family. You really didn't have to do that, and I promise to repay the debt" i said.  I'm not going to let him hold a grudge over me by this amount of money.

Nathaniel narrowed his eyes.

"I don't need you to repay anything. I didn't give you money I just asked others to instead" he shrugs his shoulders.

Still, I would like to repay him.

"what you can do instead is let me treat you for dinner"


He can't be serious. Thar is out of the question.

"it's just food Loretta," he says smiling at me. Probably seeing my hesitancy.

"fine but I'm paying" I reply back. Maybe this is a small way to repay him.

"Alright have it your way, we should probably join your parents in the other room," he says checking his watch.

I guess we have been in here for quite a while. Nathaniel slowly guides me out of his office. I felt very shy as we walked down the hallway with many of his employees staring at us.

"in here," he says pushing open a door.

He lets me in first, I find my parents standing in the middle of the room wearing VR headgear as a man talks to them.

"I hope you like the layout Jason," Nathaniel says as he announces his return.

Dad removes the headgear beaming. "oh, Nate this is amazing, I never thought the hotel could look like that" he says amazed.

"it's not real though" I mumble hoping that I wasn't heard.

Nathaniel stepped forward; I could see my father looking at me shocked. "why don't you have a look yourself" Nathaniel says stepping towards me with the headgear.

I nodded. Nathaniel helped me with putting the gear on. "you can hold onto me if you like, it's always weird the first time "he whispers.

I rolled my eyes under the headgear. "I'm fine"

I heard him chuckle at my response.

The minute the tech started to work I reached out and grabbed onto his arm. I was pleased that I couldn't see the look on his face right now.

"as you can see this is what we could see your entrance looking like. With your preference, we would be able to add big chandeliers now with the much bigger entrance after knocking down these walls" Nathaniel spoke to me as the room transformed before my eyes.

I was speechless. "omg, it doesn't even look like our hotel," I said glancing around.

"it's astonishing at what little changes can do to a space like this" My father commented.

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