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Chapter 24

"How are you ready for another round already?" I asked completely bewildered as I saw his member rise up again. Nate smirked over at me" I'm always ready for you Loretta" he said rubbing himself on me, his lips kissing my neck.

"I'm not going to be as responsive Nate, and please go slowly" this man has some stamina in him. Nate grinned as he moved us further into the middle of the bed. We had moved to the bedroom after our first round since Nate struggled to get a good rhythm in the cinema room.

I was pulled into his chest. As we laid on our sides. His lips skimmed the back of my neck as he thrusted inside of me once again.

" Don't touch me I'm recovering" I winced as I felt him leaning over me. My legs felt numb to the point i could barely move them.

" sorry baby" Nate said chuckling "but I never promised I'd go slow" he had the nerve to reply. He wasn't sorry at all, no he probably was grinning as he looked at me still body, proud of what he could do.

" but it would have been nice" I muttered as I used all of my very limited energy to turn over, the blanket slipping from my waist.

I felt Nate's lips on mine. " why don't I make you a bath, would that make you feel better" he asks. I turn my head to stare at that handsome face of his, watching his lips turn up as he holds back a chuckle.

" yes" i mumbled turning away from him. I felt the bed lift up as Nate left the bed. He didn't even bother to cover himself just walked into the bathroom completely naked.

If that wasn't a sight i don't know what was.

I sat up in the bed, i felt shy when i felt the wetness that soaked through his sheets. My eyes moved over to the bin at the corner of the bed which had used condoms inside. I honestly felt like i just committed a sin. Maybe you could call it making love, but with the dirty words he was whispering as he thrusted inside me. I wasn't sure if I could even call it that.

"Nate walked back over, wrapping his hands around me and lifting me up in his arms. he pressed a light kiss to my lips and carried me over to the bathroom, kicking the door open.

" I would ask if i could join you" he paused smirking at me. " not a chance " I muttered in reply as he finally placed me down on the floor. He stayed by my side as i stood as if I was going to collapse any minute. Which wasn't impossible.

Before Nate could leave i grabbed his arm and leant up to kiss his lips. " Thank you" I whispered into his ear. Even if i was slightly annoyed at him i was thankful and i needed to let him know that.

" It's okay amore, you relax and I'll clean up a bit in the room " He said as he placed a kiss on my cheek. Instantly I knew that he was referring to the bed and the state we had left the room in.

I heard Nate clean from outside as I stepped into the bath. Nate had added something into the bath to turn it a different colour. I hadn't expected Nate to have a bath bomb and was honestly surprised.

I hummed quietly as I washed my body, getting rid of any last remnants of our sexual activities. I noticed small red marks on my wrists and inner thighs. My mind flashing back to how he gripped my wrists roughly as he kissed me.

Nate was able to determine how much pain I could withstand. His encouraging words and questions throughout the night making me feel safe.

By the time my fingers started to prune up I rinsed the bubbles from my body and removed myself from the bath and wrap one of his towels around my body.

I opened the door and poked my head out. Nate had successfully ripped the bed sheet from the bed and cleaned up our clothes and left them on the table in a neat pile.

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