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Chapter 19

The second Nate has left for work I ran back to the room and started to gather my things. It was already half 8 and there was still so much to do for tonight. I couldn't stomach any food until lunchtime knowing how nervous I was. My stomach felt sensitive.

I headed home to pack an overnight bag since Michael said that we could stay for the night since most of us would probably be drinking.

Pushing open the door I see George leaning against the counter sipping on his water bottle, from his looks I gathered that he had just been at the gym.

" So how was birthday boy this morning?" he asked as he turned to face me.

" He was good, still don't understand why he needed to go into work though"

George grinned at me. " I told you, Nate hates his birthday. He wasn't going to take a day off even for himself" George said knowingly. Over the last week George and Nate have finally made up, George in no longer holding such a big grudge on Nate.

" so what's happening now am I taking you to the house or you going with his family?" George asks as Tammy walks into the kitchen a small overnight bag around her shoulder.

I quickly scroll down the messages between me and Kyle. " They are already there so I'm joining you two" I said locking my phone.

Kyle and Andrea were extremely nervous about this party. But not for Nate, they were throwing their first big party since Ally so they were nervous about that which was understandable.

"how about your parents?" Tammy asks as we put out bags into George's car.

" They will be joining us later" I said. Both my parents needed to stay at the hotel for a bit before meeting us. Eaton also had a doctor's appointment this afternoon.

We finally managed to fit everything into the car and start heading towards oxford. I found myself scrolling through posts on Instagram of people wishing Nate happy birthday. I smiled as I found pictures of Nate in college. He looked so young and carefree.

He didn't look like he was stressed about anything he just was enjoying the college life.

Andrea told me that all most of the people they invited said that they were coming most of the guests are Nate's family and mine and then we invited all of his friends from his business college they were more than happy to come wish the birthday boy a good one.

I feel like Nate is truly in for a treat with those boys.

"You're telling me you just slept there and didn't even do anything" he looks at me eyes wide.

"Yes" I say hesitantly, giving Tammy a pointed look. Almost to say can you shut him up for me.

"C'mon Retta when is my boy going to get it " George says like it's the most normal thing to say.

"We've just been taking it slow " yes Loretta keep telling yourself that. I admit practically moving in with him and sleeping with his every night is probably not the definition of taking it slow. But I just don't want to make the next step just yet.

"Does Nate know?" He asks in a much quieter voice.

I look up at him "know what?"

George sighs quickly turning into the side of the road.

"Don't play coy with me Loretta does Nate know " he says in a firmer authoritative voice that I hated.

I drop my eyes to my hands and watch my fingers nervously play with each other. "No " I say finally.

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