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Chapter 21

I watched Nate say the three words I don't think he even thought was going to come out his mouth. I watched his eyes widen before he steps back his hands running over his shoulder. He was out of the room before I could get a word out.

I ran after him; I search for him in the hallway and see him making an exit outside towards the garden.

"Nate" I shout reaching out to him, tugging on his shirt to pull him back but he was too strong for me. I didn't understand why he was trying to run away from me. Nate manages to get away muttering a string of curses as he does.

I found myself moving to the kitchen, thankfully it was empty. I was glad that I didn't have to face anyone after just embarrassing myself in there with Nate. I know that it's possibly too early to be saying I love you but that doesn't mean he has to run away and avoid talking about it.

I grabbed a small glass and filled it vodka and a bit of fruity gin raising it to my lips, only to have it ripped away from me. Chad stands next to me, my glass raised up in the air completely out of my reach.

"Chad put it back down " I groan reaching for the glass but moves it higher.

"No " he objects, staring down at me.

"What is going on " a voice shouts from the door I look up to find George standing there with all of Nate's friends however Nate is not.

"I just want a drink and this douche bag " I say pointing my finger to Chad. "Won't give me a drink"

George stares at Chad before sighing and facing me "Come child let's take a walk and calm down" George calls me over acting as if I am a child. I groaned as I walk past Chad abandoning my fight to have a drink of alcohol. I did deserve it.

"So, he said it " George asks me again after I had told him exactly what had happened. "Yep" I say popping the P.

"I don't understand Loretta everything was fine he was having fun this was the happiest I've seen him in a while." Well that's what I thought but with Nate you just never know. He has a habit of surprising me, not in the best ways either.

"Well it definitely changed his view on me " I say tracing the rip of a glass of coke. For the children's safety all the alcohol was at the bar inside so this is all I had to drink.

"Don't worry about it, it's a hard day, Nate's not always great and handling his feelings but I will try talk to him " George says getting up to find Nate. I waved at some of the guests that were finally leaving. There kids barely able to keep their eyes open with how late it was.

" Thank you, Loretta, Ally would have loved it" One of the women said as her husband waited at her by the gate that led out to the driveway.

" I'm glad you had a good time" I said smiling even though I am more than sure that it didn't reach my eyes.

I found myself staring at the sky, the distant sound of people as they left the house. There laughter was enough to keep me positive. I still couldn't stop thinking about the look on Nate's face when those words left his lips.

I jumped in my chair when I heard the sound of a glass smashing against the table. George was staring at Nate as he intensely stared at me. He closed his eyes before shoving past George and walking back inside.

"Loretta " a voice says from behind me, I turn to see Chad looking at me with an alarming expression.

"I'd go " he turns his head to the retreating back of Nate. "What why" I question him. He wasn't going to talk to me.

Not long after we're joined by Tammy. " Nate can be confident, demanding and strong but when it comes to you, he's not so strong. You need to reassure him that what he feels for you is real and it's good" Tammy says as she placed a small bag in my lap.

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