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Chapter 15

Nate didn't come to find me after work. Nor did he text me back the next morning and I was beginning to get worried. George said that he was going to check up on him after he went into the city.

He was being a little sketchy about it especially with him going there the day of Tammy's gallery exhibition but after a few pressuring questions I found the real reason.

To think that this was happening tonight, it was blowing my mind.

I shoved my purse back in my wallet after ordering a milkshake before I start heading to the gallery.

Without a second thought, I leave my phone in the car before turning towards the entrance of the building. The gallery looks great it's their 40th anniversary today since they're opening so they decorated it and were having this big exhibition.

As soon as I walk in, I instantly spot George and Tammy who are posing for some pictures since tonight there is a red carpet. It's very boujee for a gallery event.

I really wish I didn't have to walk down there. I'm not mentally in the mood for dealing with that. I look around for another way inside, for another way in but that idea is out of the window when George's eyes land on me. He motions me forwards, reluctantly I walk towards them.

"Loretta I'm so glad you could make it " Tammy practically screams while charging towards me knocking me over nearly. She looked stunning in a baby blue evening dress. I was glad that I wore a simpler dress tonight. I really relish in not being the centre of anybody's attention.

"Of course, I'd be here also you look amazing" I compliment her outfit she looks so elegant I've never seen her like this, I'm inspired.

"She does, doesn't she," George says staring back at her fondly. I couldn't help but smile at them. If only she knew what was about to happen.

Tammy was called by a much older man who wore a very expensive suit and a tie that wasn't the traditional skinny tie. It must be a cultural thing. I looked back when I noticed that George wasn't following and gasped when I saw what he was holding.

George stood back as he held the small white box between his fingers. He watched with a giant grin as Tammy walked ahead in tow with the elderly man. Her hands expressing the excitement she was feeling as she spoke.

Tammy has always been a great friend to me, she always supported me and I'm just happy that I could do the same.

The night moves on quickly we had a little speech from Tammy since her painting was one of the main pieces of tonight. We were all allowed to explore the gallery and see the other pieces of art. I mostly stayed with Tammy's mother, Julie who was a lovely old lady with mild dementia.

Throughout the night, Tammy kept asking me if I thought George was acting strange much like he was being rather possessive tonight. I had to laugh inside, knowing that any minute she would answer her own question.

I wasn't going to tell her anything I wanted George to be able to pull this off since he was never good.

I pulled Julie to my side as Annie, another one of Tammy's friends helped to secretly usher people out of the section of the gallery.

"I might need a tissue darling" Julie whispered in my ear. I glanced at her, seeing her eyes tearing up just at the mere thought of her daughter.

I quickly searched in my bag for a tissue when I heard Tammy's scream.

"Oh my god, George" Tammy squeals slapping her hands over her mouth. I glanced up and saw George on his knee in front of Tammy.

" I know that I can be really indecisive Tams, but I have never been surer of anything in my life. I can't imagine spending another day without you, will you please marry me, Tammy? "George said opening up the small box, revealing a whopper of an engagement ring. Jesus how the hell did he afford that.

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