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Chapter 23

I took my time filtering through emails and working on the latest advert for our hotel's new deluxe rooms, thanks to Nate's impeccable design.

"You do know that you don't have to keep watching that video he sent us to hear the voice of your boyfriend, right" Hannah commented coming to stand behind me in the office. She had just placed a mug of coffee on my desk.

Immediately I clicked off the video of Nate speaking about his partnership with the hotel. But surely, she can't blame me, the way he speaks. Using a large vocabulary of business words and the way he looks so handsome in that suit, behind his desk.

"I was just checking to see if it needed further editing" I said, even though we both know that was so far from the truth.

She laughed loudly "sure Loretta" I could hear her giggling all the way out of my office. Seconds later her head popped back in. "you've got a visitor, an interesting character to say the least" Hannah left the door open to let in this supposed visitor.

I stood up as a man walked inside. Decked out in a very smart suit, I found myself comparing him to Nate and making the decision that Nate clearly won this competition I was hosting in my head.

I may be biased.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that I would be getting a visitor. I'm actually leaving now but feel free to speak to Hannah next door" I said walking around my desk and grabbing my bag. I held my breath as he grabbed my hand. "if I said I was a friend of Nathaniel, would that give me a few minutes of your time"

I struggled to believe him, anyone could come here and say that they were his friends just to get time with me. It was an event that I had to get used to.

"Friend or not I really have to go" I pulled my hand out of his grasp.

"you're quite strong willed aren't you Loretta. I must say it's admirable, but I will let you go off I am sure you're a very busy woman" I was relieved that he did.

I moved out of my office and stopped by Hannah's desk. "Please handle this, I am already late for a meeting with my publisher so I really must go" she looked behind me.

"oh, of course "I smiled at her and moved to pass this man only realising I never got his name.

"you know my name, but I don't know yours. I'm sorry I am not normally this rude" I said looking up at him, he was very tall, way over 6 foot.

He seemed to stare at me for a few long seconds. He looked like he was hesitating with what he was going to say next. I wasn't sure what he was thinking but now I am nervous.

"Harry Louisan, I'm here to talk about a possible partnership with the hotel, I own a club and alcohol brand here in London" I watch as he reaches his hand out.

My eyes widen, did my parents know about this.

"oh right, well I'm sure we can organise something and talk over that possibility" I said finally shaking his hand. His shake was firm.

A small smile appeared on his lips; I was worried at what he was thinking in that exact moment.

"that would be great Loretta, I'll formally organise something instead of showing up out of the blue" he said.

I send him one last smile before turning to Hannah, she nodded, and I was finally able to get out of here.

Few hours later

I arrived at Nate's apartment. I found myself being incredibly bored at home that I messaged Nate to ask him if he had anything planned for tonight only to receive a rather blunt reply.

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