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Chapter 13

" You must have a reason for me to go see him dad" I groaned as I leant against the back wall in his office. He was making notes on a large spread that was across his desk.

I grew impatient with Nate's obvious silent treatment. He is clearly ignoring me and that doesn't sit well with me.

" Loretta, I thought I told you to stay away from Nate for a while," My father says annoyed, the lines in his forehead appearing again. I crossed my arms. " You think it's that easy dad, you practically forced me and Nate to happen so I don't know why you're stopping me now"

I didn't want this, so why now is everyone turning their back on me.

" I didn't force anything, I sure as hell wouldn't have let it happen had I known that this would be the result, Loretta," he says raising his voice at me. It was not like he could have seen this coming, nobody did including Nate.

" I'm sure I don't need to give you a reason for seeing Nate Loretta," Dad said looking up at me. He didn't want to acknowledge the fact that he just raised his voice at me.

I frowned, dad sure has been acting weird lately, me and mum normally associate it with the stress of the hotel.

"fine" I grumbled as I kicked off the wall and walked out his office. If we were at home I would have slammed that door but I knew that dad would hate if our personal matters made it around the employees.

Nate has been doing a pretty exceptional job in ignoring me. He never comes to the hotel anymore, he barely answers my messages and even only sees George when I am not there.

I left the Nevada and got in my car, putting in the address to his office.

" Mrs Reeves" One of the security guards nods as I am allowed inside. Ever since we got our restraining order against Madison Nate has increased his security which is understandable.

I walked up to the main desk and waited for them to notice me. Leanne who was the nicer one of the receptionists smiled at me. " am I wasting my time asking if you have an appointment," she said raising her eyes at me.

I grinned " kind of, is he available," I asked her.

She checked something on her computer. " He finishes a meeting in 5 minutes, but you can go up" I walked away from the desk and decide on taking the stairs, that way I can waste some time until Nate finishes his meeting.

When I finally made it up the stairs I saw Nate slip inside his office. I walked fast up behind him and caught the door before it closed.

" I said 5 minutes Amanda" Nate growls from his desk. I closed the door silently behind me and waited for him to realise that it was me.

"Loretta?" he asked finally realising that it was me and not his assistant.

I stared at him, not pleased with him in the slightest.

" how long were you going to ignore me, Nate," I said crossing my arms. I stayed exactly where I was, I knew that if I was any closer something could happen and I needed to be strong and not let him affect me.

" I wasn't even planning on ignoring you but it seemed like the best option," he says not breaking his stare. Well at least he is honest, I thought to myself.

Nate placed his hands against the desk and stood up. I watched him as he walked around his desk and was now slowly making his way over to me.

" Why were you so adamant on us before but now you're giving up?" I asked him as he stood before me. It baffles me how a few nights ago he couldn't stop touching me but now he can hold himself back and ignore me. How does that even make sense?

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