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Chapter 11

I giggled as we arrived at my house, Nate told me a story about when he walked into a glass door on one of his first days at his father's office. He wanted to prove to me that he wasn't always the big boss man I labelled him to be.

"I had a bruise for 2 weeks, Loretta, I'm pretty sure my father still has that image up on his wall"

I sighed as I finally calmed down from my laughing fit.

"Loretta don't move" My eyes shot open at Nate's sudden dark tone. He jumped out of the car instantly. I looked around the car looking for a sign of danger but as I watched Nate walk towards my front door I froze.

"Loretta, I said stay in the fucking car" He shouted over at me as I raced towards the house. I didn't listen to another word as I stepped through the hallway.

Nate attempted to grab me, but I was too quick and rushed upstairs.

Tammy's room was empty and completely thrashed. My hands shook as I unlocked my phone. My finger pressed on her name.

"Hey, Retta, why you are calling me on your date hmm," her voice said through the call. Instantly I was relieved that she was okay.

"Thank god, are you guys still there?" I asked them my voice shaky. I hear her whispering before she comes back to the phone. "yes, we are still here, just coming home now what's wrong Loretta"

I glanced at Nate who held up a picture frame with a marker pen circling my head.

"Somebody broke into our house, trashed out stuff I need to go Nate is here with me" I cut off the call instantly. If I said another word, I knew I would burst into tears.

I looked around the house. It looked like someone was angry rather than searching for something. I stepped around Nate and jerked back when I felt glass cracking underneath my feet. "Loretta," Nate said with his deep voice.

The sound of creaking upstairs made us both freeze.

"Loretta, fuck sake will you stop" Nate ran after me as I raced upstairs.

The minute I reached the landing I saw someone throughout the gap in my bedroom. Nate grabbed my waist and pulled me back. "swear to god Loretta if you go there, I'll lock you in the room myself." He growled against my ear.

"go back there and call the police now," he said pushing me behind him.

Reluctantly I did what he told me. I watched as Nate slowly walked towards my room. "The police are on that way, come out calmly and no harm will be done," he said calmly.

I widened my eyes as I watched him open the door to my room. What surprised me more was that there was a woman standing in my room.

"Madison?" Nate asked. Madison? Where have I heard that name before?

"Baby" the woman exclaimed. She dropped the bat she had in her hands and ran towards Nate wrapping her arms around him and clinging to him.

I watched my grandfather's old cricket bat fall to the floor. She trashed my whole house with my grandfather's cricket bat, the one I treasured like he was still here with me today.

"Loretta!" I could hear George's loud voice as feet can be heard running up the stairs, I am sure Tammy is right behind him.

I turn to Nate and watch as he slides this woman off his body pushing her against the wall, his elbow secured on her neck.

"Nate I'm so happy to see you!" she squealed even though Nate was momentarily stopping her from breathing. She still looked at him like he was her prince charming.

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