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Chapter 12

It took me a while to get to sleep but eventually, I did. I woke up early the following morning. I dressed into sweats as I headed downstairs for breakfast. When I opened my door, I saw my mom walking down the hallway.

"mom" I called out to her. She had Eaton in her arms. As soon as she heard me, she placed him on the floor before running to me.

"I was so worried Loretta, your father stupidly waited until breakfast to tell me about it," she said into my shoulder. I watched Eaton run up and cuddle moms' legs.

Sometimes dad thinks he's doing the right thing but most of the time it clearly isn't.

" I'm okay mom. Nate was there with me, so nothing happened to me. Can't say the same about my apartment though" I said to her.

She squeezed my arm. "those are just material things darling; they can be fixed but that isn't the same for my daughter"

I nodded; she was right.

"c'mon, let's have breakfast together and then we can go and talk to the police together" I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that I wasn't going to be alone for that.

Mum made sure I ate plenty before we headed for the station. I didn't argue with her, I knew that she was still very scared about what happened.

Dad picked us up and drove to the police station. The minute we pulled in I noticed Nate's car instantly.

Drew exited a room when he was informed that I had arrived. I caught a glimpse of Nate sitting in a chair, his head in his hands and my heart nearly broke for him.

" please Loretta come in here first. I need to hear your statement first" he guided me into a separate room.

" Okay, in your own words please explain to me what happened at your apartment last night Loretta"

I took a deep breath and explained to him what happened the moment we arrived there.

" so she was in your house when you and Nathaniel arrived?" he asked me.

I nodded. " she was upstairs in one of the rooms and she was holding my grandfather cricket bat which I am sure she used to ruin my apartment" Drew continued to write this all down nodding every so often.

" Have you ever seen her before. Maybe around the neighbourhood before or even around Nathaniel?" I took a minute to think about this but nothing seems to come to mind.

" no"

He nods. " your story adds up with what Nathaniel has told us as well. Are you planning on pressing charges on this woman" he asks me.

" yes, I think I should. But isn't she like, crazy?" I asked him. Drew seemed to fight a smile but he quickly composed himself. I am sure that Drew knew more about Madison but since he was here as a police officer and not Nate's brother he couldn't exactly say the things he wanted to say.

" She does seem to have some mental issues which are in her record, all this will be taken into account but ultimately she broke the law so she will still deal with the consequences"

I think it's pretty obvious she is crazy but is she just crazy or crazy about Nate. I can understand why she would be.

" Okay, now that's over. We have information about her and Nate has asked for you to be together when discussing this" Drew said as he switched off the recorder for our little interview.

I nodded.

I stepped out and saw my parents speaking with Nate, he still sat in the exact same position. When I walked in he lifted his head. I could see he was fighting with himself to come over to me.

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